Page 27 of Lay It Down

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“That’s only because he agreed to take point on a wedding that I’ve been dreading.”

“Out-of-town Bridezilla?” Thayle asked.

“That’s the one.”

“You’re awfully fickle,” I told my sister. “So what’s up? We just got to Fox Hill and are about to do a tasting.”

“Ooooh, the chardonnay girl. Can’t wait to hear what she says. Let me see the view.”

As GVV’s event coordinator, my sister was obsessed with the optics of every winery. The Barn renovation had been a direct result of a wine tour she did with Marco. And I had to admit, she’d slammed it out of the park. The 1931 Wine Barn—named after the year my grandfather, who bought the land that became Grado Valley, came from Sicily to the States—even without a lake view was one of the most beautiful spots on the estate.

“Pretty,” she said as I turned the phone back around. “So I won’t keep you guys, but are you having fun?” This she addressed to Thayle.

“Ugh, it’s such a chore. I’d much rather be back at Grado in my office handling shipment orders than out here on a wine tour.”

“She forgot to mention the massage,” I threw in for good measure.

“Massage? What the hell? If I’d known I was getting a massage, I’d have totally ditched everything to be there.”

“Too late, little sis. So what’s up?”

My sister grinned. It was anI know something you don’tgrin.

“You’re killing us.” Thayle inched even closer to get a good look at my phone. We were full-on touching now, and it took every bit of self-control not to click off the phone, lean into this and pull Thayle toward me.

You’re killingme.

“Do you want to know why you’re my favorite brother today?”

“Out with it, drama queen.”

“Because you’ll be putting Grado on the map, for real. Guess who’s coming at the end of the month?”

My jaw dropped. No fucking way. “Are you serious?”

“Dead serious. Brooke just got off the phone with someone on her team.” At that, Brooke slid into view. “Surprise!”

“Holy shit, Brooke, you are a genius.”

She bobbed her head from side to side. “I mean, I’d argue with you but...”

Brooke and Min both laughed.

“We couldn’t wait to tell you guys. Sorry to interrupt the tasting. This was worth a call,” Mins said. “Totally worth it,” Thayle agreed. “This is amazing.”

“It really is,” Min said. “Okay, kids, run along and have fun. Make sure to celebrate somewhere good tonight.”

I knew exactly how I wanted to celebrate, but even after this morning at the spa, I was confident that wasn’t going to happen. Nor should it. But a guy could dream.

“Will do,” I said instead. “Thank you again, Brooke. I love you to pieces.”

“Love you too,” she said.

Brooke told me after they got engaged she adored being a part of our family. She had no siblings, like Thayle, though she did have her mom, who lived out of town. From that day on, I made sure to treat her just like I did Dominica, as a true sister. Mom called me the affectionate one, and I took it as a compliment. An “I love you” never went to waste, in my mind.

“Ciao,” Min said. Ever since her Italy trip this summer, she hadn’t used the word “goodbye” even once.

“Ciao,” Thayle and I said in unison.

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