Page 17 of My Foolish Heart

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“And so do you. Are you so excited about the nomination?” she asks.

“I am. It’s a crazy time, but honestly, winning a Cucina Award would be huge. It could really take Mama Leoni’s to the next level.”

I don’t share my big, big goal. It sounds crazy to say out loud. But someday, Leoni’s is going to win a Beard Award, which will really put it on the map. This is just step one.

“Do you have a good chance of winning?”

“Well, they only give one award per region. So there’ll be four total in PA.Cucina Magazineis national, but the award is given by region. Once every four years, like the Olympics, the Northeastern United States is represented. Some states, like Rhode Island, only have one winner. PA has four by region, so I don’t have to compete with Philly or Pittsburgh.”

“And what’s the award exactly?”

“Best Restaurant. That’s it. They don’t break it down any more than that.”

Her shoulders rise. “I am so excited for you.”

“Thanks for covering the nomination too. I noticed that.”

It was actually on the front page of the firstBridgewater Press. Hard not to notice.

“You’re welcome.”

“Hey, ladies.” Cole sidles up to us. “I’m wondering if I could steal my wife for a dance.”

Zara seems surprised. “You don’t love to dance.”

“But I do love you. And I know you’re a fan. Whadaya think?”

“You are not off the hook,” she says. “We will talk later.”

“Mm-hmm,” I murmur as they walk away.

In fact, there’s nothing to talk about. We danced. He got pissed. Which is fine because even if I did have time to date, it certainly wouldn’t be with my biggest rival.

Next order of business, avoiding Tristano DeLuca for the remainder of the night.



“Why the hell they do this at the end of May, I’ll never know.” Gian watches me, hands on his hips, like some damn supervisor.

“Thanks for your help,” I say, but my brother misses the sarcasm.

“No problem.”

Rolling my eyes, I close the tailgate and walk back to the front door of the restaurant. After I make sure it’s locked, I join Gian in the truck, jumping into the passenger’s seat.

“It’s weird to see the doors closed on a Friday night,” he says as he pulls out.

I look back to the building that is now my second home. The minute the old boathouse went up for sale, I wanted it. A prime location on the lake with a two-tiered deck and vaulted ceilings. I suspected renovations would be extensive.

And they were.

But also totally worth it.

We pull away from DeLuca’s II, the name a nod to my parents’ place, as we drive away from the lake toward the center of town.

“You’re lucky you found the bum burner before the dinner rush.”
