Page 92 of The Hitman's Child

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Chapter Thirty-Six


“Come on, Hunter.”

Hunter looked to the end of his cell, where an officer was sliding open the metal door. He sat up on his hard cot, confused.

“You’re out on bail.”

“Bail? I thought that wasn’t going to happen.” He’d been told when they first brought him in that for such a violent crime—multiple crimes, really—that they would not release him on bail. Even talking to his lawyer hadn’t given him any hope that he’d see the light of day in the near future.

“Some new evidence has come in.”

Hunter walked to the door and stepped out. “New evidence?”

“Talk to your lawyer. I can’t tell you much about it.”

“I will, thanks.”

“Just sign at the desk to get your things, then you’re free.”

Hunter went to the desk and signed in a daze. He’d mentally prepared to spend months in jail, not mere hours. What could have possibly happened in that time to let him be a free man? And who even knew about his bail to post it for him?

He picked up his bag of things after the clerk retrieved it and walked through the metal door when it slid open for him. In the waiting room, Nicholas jumped up to his feet from one of the bright green plastic chairs.

“Hunter,” he said.

“Hi.” What in the world was he doing here? Of all people, Nicholas would be the last he would expect to encounter here.

“I’ll take you home.”

Hunter narrowed his eyes at him.

“I’ll explain everything in the car.”

Hunter got in the car beside Nicholas and as soon as he closed the door, he asked, “What in the world are you doing here?”

“I posted your bail.”


“I also gave the police the evidence they needed to prove that your claim of self-defense is legitimate.”


“I’m getting to that.” Nicholas then went on to explain what he’d found out about Jeremy’s family and their connection to the mob, how it proved that using deadly force was necessary.

“Wow,” Hunter said. “Well, for whatever trouble you’ve caused us in the past, you’ve sure turned out to be a big help. Thanks. That doesn’t even really cover it. You’ve given me time with those I love most. I can’t thank you enough.”

Nicholas nodded. “Well, there’s no excuse for my behavior. From the beginning, when I didn’t believe Vanessa. You don’t know about all the paperwork I filed to try to have Opal taken from her.” He shook his head. “Then to find out I was wrong and almost sent her back to an abusive father? Inexcusable. And when someone comes and tries to forcibly take Vanessa, I do nothing. I don’t want to be that man. I never thought I was, but I’ve learned things about myself in the last months that I wish I didn’t know.”

“Being in those situations isn’t easy. Especially if you’ve never been around it all.”

“Sure. I feel terrible, though. And it’s my duty, and my job really, to make sure that Opal is in the best environment possible. And that means being with her mother and being safe, which also means, having you around to keep her safe.”

Hunter reached over and clapped his hand on Nicholas’s shoulder. “Thanks, man. And if you ever want training for how to be better in these types of situations, you know who to call.”

“I hope to never be in anything like that again, but thanks.”

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