Page 75 of The Hitman's Child

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“By who? Where? How?” His heart was still racing. He couldn’t decide if this was good because she was alive or terrible because now she was under their control, being held hostage.

“I don’t have that information. Nicholas didn’t know the men who took her. Said they were wearing masks.”

“She wasn’t hurt in any way? What about the bullet hole?” He pointed to the damaged wall.

“According to Nicholas, there was a struggle, and she tried to shoot her attackers, but missed. From what he could tell, she was drugged, but not otherwise harmed.”

“Thank you.” Hunter spun and dashed back out of the apartment as fast as he’d run in. He had to find her, but he had nothing to go on.

Outside on the lawn of the apartment building, in the midst of police and waiting press and watching neighbors, he spotted Nicholas sitting on the edge of an ambulance, sipping water. He looked white and had a blanket wrapped around him. He must be in bad shape. The pussy had probably never been in a fight in his life.

Hunter walked over to him. “You okay?”

Nicholas shook his head and gave him a wide-eyed stare. “It was horrible.”

“What happened exactly? The cops didn’t tell me much, and I need all the details I can get if I’m going to save her.”

“She’s gone. Three men kicked down the door. She tried to shoot them. They put something over her face, and then she was gone.”

“And where were you in all this?” Nicholas could have tried to help her, if he’d been willing to carry a gun, he could have shot one of them. He could have at least called 911.

“I… I…”

“Where you in the room when the door was kicked down?”

He nodded.

“What did you do?”

“I… I was just so scared.”

“Did you hide?” The rage started to boil in his veins. This pansy man had done nothing at all to save the love of his life.

“No. I… I was in the corner.”

“What, cowering like a baby?”

Nicholas’s lip quivered and he had to look away. “This isn’t part of my job description. I don’t deal with violence. I don’t like it. I’m a pacifist. I don’t believe in war, either.”

Hunter rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw. “So, you didn’t try to help her? You sat there and watched her fight three men and did nothing?”

“There was a pizza guy.”


“Before the men came, a pizza guy came. We didn’t let him in, and we told him we didn’t order a pizza and he left.”

“Okay. And?”

“Thought you should know.”

“I couldn’t care less. They were checking to see if she was home. Obviously. What did you do while my girlfriend was fighting off three attackers, fighting for her life?”

“I just… couldn’t. I was like a deer in headlights. I didn’t know what to do. I thought if I did anything, it would make it worse.”

“So you sat there and watched an innocent woman be attacked and did nothing? Did you at least call 911?”

He shook his head slowly. “A neighbor must have. I heard the sirens coming. My phone was in my pocket, and I didn’t want to move to get it. I didn’t want them to see me or know I called the cops.”

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