Page 14 of The Hitman's Child

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Vanessa pressed her lips together, unsure. She wanted the option of having a place to take Opal if she needed to, but she didn’t know this woman well.

“I know it’s hard to trust someone new,” Mari said. “But the only way to have anyone there to help you is to trust someone. Katrin knows me, and she’s getting more comfortable with me. I know what she’s gone through.”

“You’re right.” Vanessa took a long sip of her coffee. “I haven’t felt like I could trust anyone in a long time. And I do need help. I need someone.”

“I know how you feel. My mother had no one to help her. She was completely isolated. She had nowhere to go to get away from it.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem. Even if you need some time to yourself or have things to take care of, I’d be glad to watch her for you. Anytime.”

“Thanks.” Vanessa thought of Hunter and the date that she’d never exactly turned down. She leaned in conspiratorially. “There is kind of… possibly… a date?”

Mari raised her eyebrows and grinned. “Just let me know which night.”

“Can I tell you one other thing? I feel like someone should know the truth, just in case.”


Vanessa leaned close enough to whisper. “Our real names. I’m Vanessa Powers and Katrin is Opal Powers. If you do watch her, it would be nice to have someone use her real name for a while.”

“I understand.” Mari put her hand on Vanessa’s arm. “Anytime you need to talk, just let me know. I get a break every day.”

Vanessa gave her a quick hug and hurried back to her office.

# # #

Hunter stood outside the apartment building, waiting. He knew from watching them that they should have been home from school by now. They were late today. This was risky, waiting here like this. But he had a good excuse. “Katrin” forgot her ball and he was returning it.

When their car appeared at the edge of the block, he watched for them to get out and for Vanessa to see him. When she did, her face went slack. She recovered quickly and put on a forced smile, but she was definitely uncomfortable. She opened the backdoor to let Opal out, then leaned in to bring out a grocery bag. So that was why they were late.

“Hiya,” he called, walking closer. “Just wanted to bring this back.” He tossed the ball in the air and caught it.

“My ball!” Opal ran to catch the ball as he tossed it at her.

“Thanks,” Vanessa said. She smiled again and tried to rush right past him.

He quickly kneeled down to Opal. “How was school today?”

“Good,” she said.

“What subjects did you have?”

“Umm.” Opal tapped her lip. “The usual stuff and art.”

“That sounds fun,” Hunter said. “What did you make in art?”

“I drew a bunny.”

“Awesome,” he said. He stood and grabbed the two remaining grocery bags from the car.

When he turned to take them toward the apartment, Vanessa looked surprised, but walked on, letting him follow.

“What color was your bunny?” Hunter asked as they walked up the stairs to their apartment.

“Blue. He’s a sad bunny.”

Vanessa opened the door and let them in. “Katrin, honey, why don’t you go play for a little while before dinner? Then we can do your homework and get a bath before bed.”

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