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Asher followed, scooping her into his arms and laying her beside him. “After that fake orgasm, I think I at least deserve some postcoital snuggles. You know, gotta release that oxytocin.” Asher tucked her back to his front.

She lay on his arm and closed her eyes, content. Emma inhaled, relaxing into his warmth. Asher would make the perfect partner to some man someday. “Why couldn’t it have been you?” she whispered.

“Because you don’t have the right equipment.”

She chuckled. “So it’s my fault?”

He ran a hand over her head, smoothing the hair out of her face. “Love you, Em. Always.”

“I love you too, Asher.”

He was one of her best friends. He’d seen her through some of the hardest days and lowest points, and she’d been there for his.

She closed her eyes, grateful for his arms and longing for another’s. Her smile faded as reality came crashing down. Numbness settled into her bones once again, stealing any joy she’d captured in the last few minutes.

Emma was alone. Even here in her best friend’s arms, in the tour bus with the men who’d become her brothers, she was separate. Icy fingers of loneliness spread out and sunk into her marrow. Her arm stung and burned under the leather, reminding her just how broken she was. All was lost, but she’d survive this because . . . because why? What was her reason for doing any of this anymore? Why fight when giving in was so much easier? Why breathe when holding her breath brought less pain? Why wake when sleep was within reach, offering her a reprieve, swallowing her into the darkness?



1 Month Later

Link was back at The Shipwreck, peeling the label from Sand Dune’s summer IPA. He pulled out his phone and tapped Emma’s name on his contacts. His call was sent straight to voicemail for the millionth time. He grumbled, setting his phone facedown on the table before scraping a hand through his overgrown beard. It needed a trim, but he barely had the energy to drag his ass down to work or the bar. Reese and Mason’s eyes bored into him from across the table.

“What?” Link snapped, taking a long gulp from his drink. It was a good night to get drunk and forget. He could live with the fact that his life sucked. But he couldn’t stand the idea that Emma was out there hurting because of him.

“What’s up with you lately?” Mason asked.

“I got papers from the lawyer last week. Emma signed over her portion of our dad’s will to me. The shop’s all mine.” And it had cemented the shame over his choices. Did she do it because of what he said? Did she think she was any less Solomon’s child? A pang tightened in his chest.

Reese and Mason exchanged glances.

“You must be really happy. You’ve wanted the garage for a while now.” Reese scratched his chin.

Link finally had what he thought he wanted, and it left him somehow even more empty inside. What was wrong with him?

“You talk to her yet?” Reese asked.

“She won’t answer or call me back.” He’d told the guys he and Emma had had a falling out, but not the details.

Mason sighed and shook his head, his eyes snagging on a woman at the bar with neon-colored braids and a golden retriever by her side as she handed a pile of books over to Charli.

Since when did they let dogs in here? And when did any woman turn Mason’s head? In the years Link had known the man, he’d never seen him date or look twice at a woman. Link had teased him about it, and Mason had always said he didn’t have time for distractions raising his daughter by himself. Aspen always came first. Was he still grieving his wife after all these years? Would Link ever get over Emma?

“You really fucked up.” Reese’s laugh grated on his nerves.

“Thanks for pointing out the obvious.”

“If you really loved Emma, you’d man up and go after her and grovel until she hears you out.” Reese took a sip of his scotch.

Link’s eyes widened, glancing around to see who was close enough to overhear their conversation. Thankfully, the alternative music drowned out most of the voices. He leaned in. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, are you that stupid?” Mason grit out. A man of little words and even less patience.

Did everyone know about his feelings for her? Link grit his teeth, leaning forward. “I can’t. What would my father say?”

“Not to be harsh, but does it matter?” Reese asked.
