Page 46 of The Last Royal

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He stood, if only so he might look more intimidating as he glared down at her. Idalia, lingerie and all, did not cower under the full fury that was Burke Gregor.

“I loved you and you rejected me time and time again until you killed that love. Ambrose never wanted me to be anything more than what I already was. Love bloomed where we did not think it possible and then you selfishly ruined it. For what? For me to play the part of your pet at your feet? For me to service your body when you felt unloved by the rest of the world? Idalia, you don’t care about anyone other than yourself. You’ve made me into someone I hardly even recognize.”

Burke’s voice never rose. His tone was laced with frustration but remained even despite the way his eyes flared wide. Idalia could almost see her own reflection in his gaze. She looked just as terrible as she felt.

“I’ve spent my entire life,” she took a ragged breath, “doing what others wanted of me. I’ve given up my own hopes and dreams so that my family could finally get the life they deserved. Why can’t any of you see that?” She could choke on those words. Idalia picked up the nearest bottle, uncaring of anything other than the numbness it might bring to her. She chugged down several gulps. “Do you think that Ambrose wants you?”

Burked paled a little then. “No, I do not. Not anymore.”

“Then you will marry me.” A command, not a question.

“No.” He shook his head, stepping around her to head for the door. “I don’t care if you throw me to the streets, but Idalia I cannot marry you. Simply put, I won’t.”

He hates you. They all hate you because you’ve never worked hard enough for it. Lazy. You’re lazy. How could they love you?

Her shoulders rose up to her ears. The stinging sensation of a scream built up in her throat. Idalia wanted to burn. She wanted them to burn.

Glass shattered and a plummy red streaked against the walls and floor. Burke flinched, stopping as the wine bottle, once in the queen’s hands, landed only a few inches away. A small splattering of wine dripped down his cheek. With one hand he dusted a few specks of glass from his sleeve.

“This isn’t over until I’ve fucking said that it is,” she snarled, her red lips peeling back.

“I’m sorry.” Burke reached for the door—

Idalia lunged. Her hand took hold of the staff that burned white hot at the top. Then Burke stopped. A small wheeze squeezed up and out his throat. Only by the power of the staff did he turn to face his queen. Every tendon within his neck jutted, the skin around them pulled tight as his skin flushed red. No air. Idalia wasn’t allowing him any air.

“You drooled at my feet from the first time you laid eyes on me. I finally let you have me and now you are this ungrateful? Have you not been pleased with my body, with my touch? The copious amounts of cum you’ve poured into me and onto me saysotherwise.” She smiled as his face began to shift to purple. “I will not be made a fool of by you. You were a nothing man from a nothing town and I brought you with me as I rose to power. It really is a shame that I must take it all away.”

His fingers twitched at his sides. She could imagine he felt the urge to hold his throat as if he could rid himself of the invisible hands that took away his breath.

Slow steps, that allowed her hips to sway just as men often liked, brought her to Burke. Did he like what he saw? Did he regret what he said? Or was his hatred for her as potent as her hatred for herself?

“I was learning to love you. I would have made a good wife.” Idalia pressed a kiss to his paling lips. “What a godsdamn shame.”

She turned her back to him. Holding her staff in both hands, she closed her eyes as the snap of his neck filled her ears and the rush of blissful death befell her.Burkes lifeless body collapsed to the floor.

“Now we’re done.”


The world around her felt like smoke and tasted like ash. Still, she donned her pretty red dress and plastered a smile on her face as if the man she’d meant to be her king hadn’t just rejected her. No one would know that. It wasn’t like he could tell anyone either…

There was already a buzz of excitement filling her castle. The entire court had been invited and most, if not all, of Marlux as well. Idalia drifted like a ghost through the crowd on her way to the ballroom. People reached for her, lifted their glasses in toast as she passed, and praised her name. None of them understood what lurked beyond the castle.

Had they seen the troops that she’d moved to guard the city? Did they notice the uptick of guardsmen who’d taken to patrolling the streets? Even if they did notice the people of this city were too well taken care of to even register the threat of Fae at their door.

Still, the thought sat at the back of her mind. Scouts had confirmed that King Osiris had moved into Pasia, his armies burning up whatever they could get their hands on. Luckily, they hadn’t crossed through as many cities as they could have. They’d taken some long roundabout path through empty forest before stopping outside of Marlux.

Was Aylee with them? How much had they poisoned her mind? Something cramped just under her ribs as she wondered if it was possible for Aylee to be under the Impelling. There was just no coming back from that.

When she entered the ballroom, a hush fell over the suitors that had waited. Idalia looked at them with fresh eyes; she’d spent so much time ignoring them entirely or simply pretending because she’d always planned on it being Burke. Now she had one evening to pick the king that would ride into battle with her tomorrow.

On top of the dais, the four ashen thrones had been brought from The Tower of Divinity. Her sisters would be re-introduced to the world today. A shame that the event leading to this had all been tarnished. Both Sienna and Farah’s men who had been crowned had since been slaughtered. There were plenty of fine men in Marlux to choose from though.

She made her way to her throne, carefully setting her staff where it was made to rest within the arm of her seat when she got there. Lowering to her seat, the deep purple-crimson of her gown reminded her of the wine staining her room and the body that still lay there. Her smile fell ever so slightly before she forced it back up.

“My dear citizens, the gods have blessed us all once more.” What little buzz of chatter was left died away quickly as her voice boomed. “My sisters, Queen Ambrose, Queen Farah, and Queen Sienna have all been transformed into something not unlike the gods themselves. They have given us great powers beyond that of the staffs so that we may protect this country from the continued threats of the Fae.”

The crowd looked at one another, a few whispering, or shuffling nervously.

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