Page 14 of The Last Royal

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Liar. Her staff seemed to curse.

“Not once?” Idalia paused to look at him now. The toe of his boots lined up perfectly, his arms clasped behind his back, chin high. A fighter. A soldier.Her warrior.

“Why do you ask such things, my queen?” He leaned closer, the scent of the charred bodies from earlier still held to his clothes. Idalia breathed it in.

“Sometimes I am not sure how much you pretend when you’re with Ambrose and how much of it is real.”

Idalia couldn’t be sure, as it came and went too fast, but she thought for a moment she saw something of alarm in his features. But then his mouth was stretching into a beautiful, knowing smirk.

Burke came a little closer, his hands finding her waist. “Are you feeling a littleinsecure, my queen?”

Barking a laugh, she shook her head. “Never.”

“Mmm.” He raised his brows as if he did not believe her. She did not believe herself. Both of his hands found hers, interlacing with her fingers while he took a few steps backward until they were at her door. “Perhaps I can show you how much I do not miss Ambrose.”

The heat in her chest warmed further before spreading out to her limbs and dipping low into her stomach. “You are such a tease, Burke.”

“Never.” He nipped at the corner of her lips, guiding her back against her door.

The hall was empty, no guard to be seen. This was a game that should not have been played if they wanted to make the events of the queen’s courting seem fair. It wasn’t fair. They both knew that. Rigged from the start.

Standing so out in the open…this was…thrilling. A level of risk that made her blood pump and her mouth salivate.This is stupid, she thought. But she didn’t reach for the doorknob.

Idalia arched against the door. She tipped her chin up to Burke waiting to see if he would take the gamble. His eyelids went half hooded, a breath of a laugh puffing against her skin.

Then ever so lightly, his lips met hers. Soft, sweet,worshipingkisses. Every taste of her tongue was a delicacy she offered him and she let him relish in her passion. One hand trailed over his arm, feeling the strength of his muscles through his shirt.

Burke pressed against her. His body lined up with hers, pushing her flat against the door. The globe of her staff tapped against the wall as she shifted against him. She dared a peek down the hall. No one. Nothing.

She let her hand wander. Her fingertips explored the expanse of his chest, down over his stomach, before she toyed with his belt.

“You lustful sinner, you,” Burke murmured against her neck, his tongue swirling over her skin a moment later.

His nose drew a line from her neck down to her shirt where he undid it button by button until her breasts, cradled in a delicate bra, were revealed. Rough fingers snagged against the button of her pants, and her zipper sang as it was undone.

A small moan encouraged Burke’s fingers as he swept them under her underwear. His boots nudged her legs a little wider and for once she obeyed. Burke was nothing if not patient. A quality she found herself often lacking. His lips pressed kisses along her jaw, taking his time as he found her lips again. Those fingers slid lower, parting her before he sank two fingers into her.

Idalia hummed her approval while he moved in and out of her. She gasped when he pulled free only to begin torturously slow circles around that bundle of nerves just above.

“Quiet, my queen,” he cooed, “too much noise and someone might come to check on us.”

Another slow circle and her legs were starting to tremble, the teasing sensation between her legs growing. His fingers were slick from her want. He hooked his fingers inside her again, kissing her more fiercely now.

“You are beautiful…You are perfect…You’re everything I want…Gods, you feel too good…Please let me bury myself in you…You’re so fucking wet.” Between small phrases of desire, he kissed her until Idalia was certain he was drunk on it.

“Not out here.”

His fingers slid against her, his kisses put on pause. “Your room then?”

She smiled broadly, her hand already inching for the doorknob. His free hand found hers and they turned the knob in unison. Together they fell back into the room, knocking noses with a quiet laugh as they snuck the door closed.

Stealing away her next taunt, Burke deepened their kisses, tongue tasting tongue, teeth, and cheek.

Idalia set her staff against the wall and reached to finish undoing his belt and pants, finding him erect and aroused beneath the trousers. Her purr of affection vibrated between them.

The moment the queen pulled his pants down, taking his undershorts with them, time raced. Every movement became hurried, frantic, rushed, as if someone might have caught them at any moment. Burke lifted her shirt over her head, sealing his mouth to hers the moment her face was free. His fingers found her waistband and began peeling away clothing until all that was left was her bra and the ruby necklace she always wore.

They broke apart long enough for him to reach behind him and yank his shirt over his head. The hard muscles of his torso were carved with scars from war.

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