Page 11 of The Last Royal

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She took a staggering step back as King Osiris closed what little space she’d gathered.

“A shame, my brother wasn’t here.” Those gorgeous blue eyes narrowed on her, scanning her from top to bottom. “We picked up a trace of magic though, on the outskirts of Glatton. Looks like a warlock took off with my brother. Who was it you were looking for again?”

Had Shelby…? No, there would be no reason for Shelby to run away with the Fae Prince. It couldn’t be him. She battled the idea of saying his name out loud for so long Osiris blinked at her in a rather aggressive manner.

“My friend, Shelby.”

He hummed, a noise that was hardly loud enough for her to hear over the shouting and pillaging. “I don’t know who that is. I wonder if it was he who took off with what I treasure most.”

Struggling to find a place for her hands, she pulled the cloak tighter around her and fiddled with the dangling strings. A dry chuckle trembled over her lips. “No, no, Shelby wouldneverdo that.”

One full lip curled. Hot air fanned across her cheekbones, the king’s face so near she could smell the blood on his breath. “You wouldn’t believe how many people would do something you never thought possible. You should be careful with your friendships, child of the gods.”

Something like raw fear chased down her spine as the king inhaled heavily before he pulled away. “Do you fear me?”

“I think it would be unwise not to.” Ace wiped her sweaty palms on her pants.

“Very good.” Another feline smile.

A woman screamed, running from the haze. An elbow caught Ace’s gut as she barreled between her and the king, a Fae warrior not far behind her. Ace turned away as the witch tripped, fell, and the Fae leaped on top of her, sword poised for her. Her stomach twisted at the sound of steel tearing through flesh.

The king dared to look bored when she met his gaze again.

“Let me make one more thing clear. The queen’s forces have moved yet again. If you want the Fae out of Pasia, if you want the warlocks to be freed, then you best get on with killing those damn queens.”

Ace steeled her spine. Not to look bolder—stronger—before such a beast as King Osiris, but for Shelby’s sake. For her own. Time was wasting away as she stood in his presence.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Ace snipped, daring to step a little closer to him, letting an ounce of her holy fire glimmer in her gaze. Her new favorite trick.

Osiris examined her face, her stance, and gave her a lopsided smile before picking something akin to flesh from his teeth. He flicked whatever debris he found snagged on a tooth and said, “Very well. My forces will find my brother soon enough. You’ll hold up your end of the bargain…then this will all be done.”

It didn’t feel as if it would ever be done.

“Go now.” He waved a ring clad hand, blood dampening the usual shine. “Find yourfriend.”

She made it past the king, only to make a wide arc and circle back into the forest’s edge. Few witches and warlocks were trickling out of Glatton now, and those who were able to were attending to wounds. Magic scented the air, mixing with the smoke and ash to create something sickeningly sweet.

Breaking through the treeline, she kept her pace even as she wheezed through the thick fog that made every tree that popped up before her a surprise. The ties of her cloak dug into her scar, threatening to cut off her air. She only paused to yank the material that had snagged on the bent angle of a broken, hollow tree before she kept going.

Until a hand popped out of the clouds. Warm, damp fingers curled tightly around her wrist. Her arm stretched, shoulder aching as she was forced to a stop.

“There you are,” Rehan pulled her close. His shirt was torn along the hem, the strip of fabric now tied around Margo’s face like a mask. “Did you find him?”

The girl leaned in a little closer to listen.

Ace shook her head, looking to Margo. Though her eyes were red rimmed, the little witch’s set jaw was clear even through the thin fabric.

“I ran into King Osiris. They’ve picked up the trail of a warlock along with his brother’s scent. Margo, would you be able to tell us if it’s Shelby?”

She lifted her chin. “I think so.”

“Do you really think it’s him?” Rehan tucked Ace’s hair behind her ears, a warm soothing hand trailing down her arm.

“Gods, I hope not, but we have to answer that question quickly, find out before the king and his men do.”

“Okay.” He slipped his fingers through hers. “Let’s walk around the perimeter, see if Margo can sense his magic.”

The gentle intertwining of their hands should have been calming. Instead, she had to look down to the ground to hide the way she grimaced. His hold loosened but he didn’t let go.

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