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Roll With The Punches

Roll With The Punches 1


Thetestbeforeme is driving me nuts. English? No problem. History? No problem. Communications? Easy peasy. Math? Who the hell came up with this shit? And the kicker? I have to have this credit for my degree and to fulfill my scholarship; I have to keep my GPA up.

If I fail this test, this is going to screw my grade. The professor gave me a heads up about it and suggested I get a tutor.

My dad about lost his mind when I told him I might get a tutor. Told me I just need to apply myself.

Don’t know how much more I can apply myself when nothing makes sense. And now the professor is motioning me to come up to him. Great.

Taking my test with me, I head up to Professor Grant. “Yes, sir?”

“It appears you are struggling.” He looks at me over his half-eye glasses.

“I am.” I sigh.

“I don’t normally do this, but if you agree to meet with a tutor, I’ll let you retake the exam.”

“Seriously?” I look around the room, and everyone is still focusing on their tests.

“Yes, Mr. Murphy.”

Clearing my throat, I hand him my test with the doodles on the margins. “Can I ask why?”

He files my answer key in the trash bin and smiles. “Because I think you’re a helluva fighter, and I’d like to see you stay in the ring.”

I can’t help the chuckle that nervously comes out. “That’s cool. Thanks, Prof.”

He hands me a slip of paper. “Gather your things and head to the library. Marcus will be waiting for you.”

“Man, thanks, really. I appreciate this.”

“I know.” He smiles again. “See you in the next class, Spider.”

Dashing up to my seat, I gather my backpack and lift a hand in a wave as I leave. It’s always cool when you learn who your fans are. And him calling me Spider just made me all the prouder.

That’s how I’m known here on campus. Shane “The Spider” Murphy. My oldest brother did terrible in school and wasn’t interested in sports. Now he works at the Crossmont Cove Country Club in maintenance. My younger siblings are all still in school in various grades.

I’m the first one in our family ever to go to college. I earned my scholarship to Crossmont Cove University fair and square in boxing. Most of my freshman year has been okay, but it’s still the first semester and math is kicking my ass.

“Hey, Shane.” Avery Kennedy strolls up with a group of girls.

“Hey, Avery.” I keep walking, hoping they’ll go the other way.

“You know, if you need a cheerleader ringside, I’d be more than happy to be there for you.”

The small gaggle of girls all giggle and I feel a hand squeeze my ass cheek. I turn on my feet and jog backwards a few steps. “I’ll, uh, let you know.”

Avoiding the small crowds of students, I turn and keep jogging. Girls throwing themselves at me is getting old. Especially Avery Kennedy. She’s been up my ass since we were freshman in high school.

My dad keeps hoping I’ll take either her or one of the girls up on the offer. Bonus if I bring home a nice Catholic girl. I don’t have the heart to tell him that the nice girls aren’t the ones throwing themselves at me, and even if they were? They’re not my type.

Crossing the quad, I’m jealous of the couples cuddled together, studying and enjoying the sunny day, and I really wish I had someone I could cuddle up with. But since no one knows I’m gay, that’s hard to do.

The library is mostly empty when I enter and look around; I don’t see anyone sitting at a table waiting for me. A quick glance at the slip of paper has a phone number on it, so I shoot off a quick text.

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