Page 100 of Bad Saint

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“Take your time. I’ll have everything ready by the time you’re done.”

“The last supper,” I say, a touch of sadness to my words because I don’t know what’s ahead of us.

Saint sighs, before bending forward and caressing the cross at my throat. “The last supper where we eat fish,” he quips, instantly easing the mood. “Go.” He gives my lips a quick peck before turning me around and slapping my ass.

I yelp and hustle forward, desperate to get away before I ask for more.

I grab my things and make my way toward the pond. We’ve had some brief rain, which has been enough to keep the water fresh, but I will be glad when I can stand under a warm shower.

There are a lot of things I look forward to like socks, using a toilet, and eating a buttload of chocolate, but the most important is I wonder what’s in store for Saint and me. He’s told me he will let me go, but what does that mean for us?

He would never leave Zoey, which means I will return to America while he’ll return to Russia. There is no way I am setting foot in that country, so I what? Wait for him to come home? This should be the least of my problems, but it seems to be the one weighing the heaviest. What awaits him? I gulp at the thought.

When I reach the pond, I take one last look around my sanctuary because no matter what, good and bad, I will never forget my time here. Things haven’t been easy, but I can leave with the satisfaction of knowing I did everything to survive.

I take my time, floating on my back as I stare into the heavens. It’s hard to remember the woman I once was because so much has changed. I still don’t know what I will do about Drew, but I know he has to pay.

Going to the police would be the sensible thing to do, but a blood-thirsting voice inside me whispers he deserves something much worse. Shaking away that darkness, I wash before quickly getting dressed.

My choice of clothing is slim, but this green summer dress has proven to be my favorite. It’s pretty, and it reminds me of my former life, a life which now feels alien on my skin.

I don’t know where this doom and gloom has come from. You’d think I’d be happy to get off this island, but the unknown scares me. Here, things were simple, but out there, in the real world, I will have to face what I’ve done.

Zoey comes to mind. I was supposed to be the key to her freedom, but the only freedom I’ve granted is my own. Saint will still be a prisoner, and so will Zoey.

My stomach twists at the thought.

I can’t help but feel sorry for her. She never wanted this, any of it. But she was forced into slavery, and in turn, she lost who she was. I can still hear Saint’s anguish when retelling his story. He got his sister back, and she finally escaped from Popov’s mind games, but now, thanks to me, they are back to square one.

How can I celebrate my freedom when I know it comes with a price?

There has to be some other way, a solution where we all win. But the only winner is Popov because a man like him doesn’t lose.

Sighing, I brush my fingers through my hair, leaving it loose so it can dry.

I suddenly feel so disheartened. Saint will suffer because of me. How can I go back to my comfortable life knowing that? I can’t. I need to talk to him. There has to be some other way where things aren’t so bleak for him. I can’t live with myself if there isn’t. But the truth is, unless Saint delivers me to Popov, he will never be free.

Slipping into my tennis shoes, I quickly make my way through the terrain, the need to see Saint overwhelming me. I almost can’t breathe. A shadow overcasts me, and when I peer into the sky, I hear a sound which tears my heart into two.


Something is gravely wrong.

Adrenaline soars through me as I run, frantic to get to Saint. When I hear my name again, panic overcomes me. “I’m coming! I’m here!”

The blood whooshes through my ears, and my heart is in my throat as I continue running faster than I ever have before. I duck and weave my way through the forest, knowing the route like the back of my hand. But when I see Saint storming toward me, I come to a screeching stop.

“You have to hide!” he screams, waving his hands for me to turn back around.

“Hide?” I question, panic strangling me. “Why?” When he reaches me, he grips my bicep and attempts to drag me away. I yank from his hold. “What’s going on?”

His eyes are wild, his breaths labored. It can only mean one thing. “He’s…here.”

Two words shouldn’t be able to change your world forever, but those two simple words have.

I stagger backward, my mind reeling as I shake my head. “No, that’s impossible.” But it’s not. Thanks to my SOS, I led the bad guys straight to us.

“Please, ah???.” He wraps his hand around the back of my neck and draws me into him. He kisses my forehead with a quiver. “Please hide. I’ll tell them you’re dead, and I will send someone to get you. I promise.”

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