Page 41 of Finding the Rogue

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“Dammit!” Nearly out of breath by the time I caught up to her, I was too late. I could only watch, resting my folded arms atop my head, as Ainsley boarded the airship alongside what appeared to be a man dressed in a Royal Navy uniform. He didn’t look like much to me. Gangly, too tall, too blond, likely had foul breath and poor hygiene, and he just—he had no business touching her! I wanted to break his damn arm. Ainsley had no idea what danger lay before her, or if they wished to harm her.

If she hadn’t overheard that damn conversation and lost all trust in me, then this wouldn’t have happened. I should have done more. I should have defended her against my men. But no, I had allowed their fears to override all sense. Granted, their fears were somewhat warranted, however, she would never harm them or turn against them as they had assumed. I’d used our so-called bargain as a means to end the conversation, placating them until I had an opportunity to speak with her.

My plan had been to assist her all along, come what may, and my crew would either accept that Ainsley was aboard for the remainder of our journey or they wouldn’t. I had allowed Rek’s words to rattle me.

Now she was gone.

I had to go after her, consequences be damned.

Racing down the cobblestone road, I shouted for Rek to prepare to sail at once. He stared at me strangely, and I hardened my expression. “Ready the sails! We leave at once!”

He nodded, turning on his heel to complete my demand.

Stomping up the plank, I yanked the bloody thing up and back into place.

“Where’s Lady Ainsley?” Jasper questioned. “Did you leave ’er at the Hall of Knowledge?” The bastard had the gall to laugh.

Hauling him up by his collar, we were nose-to-nose. “I did no such thing, and it would do you well if you relieve yourself of such thoughts from this point on.” I seethed, my rage boiling just beneath the surface. “Do I make myself clear?”

Jasper visibly gulped. “Aye, Captain.”

Dropping him from my grasp, I jogged to the bridge. “We ready to set sail?” I asked Rek.

“Two minutes, Captain.” He didn’t appear happy, but I had no reason to care. I’d never done well with ultimatums, and if he no longer wished to be my first mate, then so be it. I was getting Ainsley back. “Where we headed?”

I pointed to the vessel that’d just lifted into the air. “Follow that ship—and fast. Ainsley is aboard, and it looks like it may be the Royal Navy, but I’m not quite sure.”

Rek grunted and shook his head. “The bloody Royal Navy? Have you—?”

“Do not finish that question.” I cut him off, anger and warning lacing my tone. “Ainsley may be in danger and I made her a promise I intend to keep. If you no longer wish to assist me, head to your blasted quarters, or check on our prisoner.” I eyed him with certainty and no room for argument. “I’ll do it my damn self.”

Rek’s expression shifted and his demeanor changed. “I might not always agree with what you do, but I’m still your first mate, and always your friend. You care about that woman—that much is obvious.” He clapped me on the back and smirked. “Love looks odd on you, old friend.”

Love? I felt my eyes bulge at his assessment. Had Rek lost his bloody mind? Cared for, yes. But love?

Bloody hell.

Raking a hand down my face, I shook my head in disbelief. How could this have happened?

I was in love with Ainsley. And so soon after only knowing her a few days? This sort of thing did not happen.

Ainsley, a damn infuriating, spitfire of a woman, who likely hated me now. All because I was a bloody idiot.

Yet, when I had decided to change the details of our bargain, her heart was to be my reward. I just hadn’t voiced it aloud, not to her. What did I believe it would be? An infatuation with me stealing her heart as the prize? I dropped my head in my hands and then rubbed my fingers along my unshaven chin.

How in the skies name would I ever win her back?

“Not too much farther now, Captain.” Rek’s voice broke me from my internal thoughts. “Their ship is just ahead.”

I could only nod.

I was in love.

This was torture of the worst kind.

What the hell was I going to do now?
