Page 22 of Finding the Rogue

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The man snorted and stroked his sandy-colored beard. “Your adventures don’t usually end well, my friend, but hey,” He shrugged, “you’re the captain.”

“Captain?” I blurted out, shocked.

Killian faced me and winked with his crystal-blue eyes (that I was not ogling because he was exasperating!), before shrugging his broad cocky pirate shoulders.

I narrowed my gaze at him.

“Well, Lady Lilstrum, introductions will come after you’ve had a moment to compose yourself. Follow me.” The infuriating man cut me off before I had a moment to respond or ask anything further—like why hadn’t he mentioned he was Captain of the ship?

His hand pressed against the small of my back as he led me away from the crew, down the stairwell, and to a small door near the aft of the deck. “You’re welcome to make yourself comfortable and join us when you’re ready.”

He pushed me inside, tossing my satchel on the chair near the wall, and shut the door, without giving me a moment to catch my breath. I stomped my foot once, before fisting my hands tightly. “Stupid pirate.”

Deeply inhaling a few times, I released a long, measured breath in an effort to calm myself. Throwing any sort of tantrum was not going to get me anywhere.

I scanned the small space I’d been hauled into. Only, it wasn’t small at all. The room opened up into a beautiful, airy office. There were windows along one side that gave me a clear line of sight into the clouds around us. It was breathtaking.

My palms tingled, and a crackle of bright-white light leapt and twirled across my fingertips. Oops. Perhaps I did need to calm down just a bit. I walked toward the window and stared outside, taking in the gorgeous view. My forehead cooled as I pressed it against the glass, and slowly, the tension in my body began to evaporate.

I pulled away, moving on to inspect the rest of the room. Down one side was another small door, and as I opened it, I gasped at the beautiful four-post-framed master bed. There was a closet with men’s clothing haphazardly strewn about.

Killian had tossed me into his quarters.

Backing from the room, I could feel my face heat at the thought of being in his space for some reason.

Running my hands along my trousers, I hoped to rid them of the dampness. I went back to the window and sat on the wooden bench beneath, staring out as the clouds dispersed, one by one, as we sailed right through them. I brought one hand to my pocket. I could feel the key and wax seal that rested inside, reminding me that I could do this. That I had to do this. My father wanted me to find Silverthorne. And I would honor his dying request, even if it meant trusting in people I was not quite sure of yet.

Killian had gotten me away from Gretta. But why had he been running from her? Or thought that she was there for him in any way? That pirate clearly had his secrets, but I knew myself, and I would not be able to build trust in him if that continued to be the case.

In fact, I thought to myself, perhaps I can get some answers right now.

I removed my red cloak and placed it on a chair that sat opposite an elegant desk, then strolled to my satchel and withdrew my sharpening tools. I would get the answers I needed, and I’d get them by any means necessary. Pirate or not, I was about to draw the line in the sand on our deal. And Captain Killian Flynn better be prepared to start talking.
