Page 15 of Finding the Rogue

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Racing down the hillside, I continued on for quite some time, past the gates that led farther into the unknown. I began to see various kinds of airships tethered to docks on the main street, and I attempted not to stare. I knew I’d hopefully be boarding one of them soon, however, my emotions were awash with a mixture of fear and excitement.

People crowding the streets were so different here, so vastly different than I’d imagined. Some were dressed in the latest finery, while others were wearing rags, rifling through bins of what I presumed were leftover food. I had to glance away so as to not draw attention to myself and bring my thoughts back to the task at hand.

Just as I turned the corner, marveling at the steam-powered vehicle driving past, a menacing growl hissed in my ear. I stumbled forward—I had been shoved from behind. “Watch where yer goin’, girl,” a man spat as he nearly plowed straight through me, knocking me off my feet and onto what I now noticed as a rubbish-strewn path.I had ventured a bit farther than I realized.

I rose to my feet, brushing off my backside, and huffed, tugging at my vest in defiance, staring at his retreating figure. “Dirty, disgusting pirate.”

Retrieving my satchel from the ground, I inhaled deeply to calm my nerves, and almost immediately regretted the action. The damp, dingy air reeked of sewage and garbage. How? Was this how people lived?

It had only taken a few moments of my life outside Rookhallow Proper’s secluded- and gated-societal section to know that I needed to find a pirate. I assumed Silverthorne must be well-known, so it was safe to say that I needed to find his kind and ask where he might be. I sighed and shrugged off my discomfort.

Follow the drunken pirate,I told myself as I proceeded deeper into Darkhold, the outskirts of proper society where ruffians and rogues dwelled. The farther away from Rookhallow Proper I went, the more the putrid smells of piss and vomit accosted my senses. I tried not to gag as I remained far enough behind the despicable man, that I highly doubted I would be noticed. He finally stumbled his way into a rickety-looking hovel. The thatched roof displayed a metal sign that read: “Ollie’s.” Judging by the small gathering heaving the contents of their stomach beside a few barrels across the way, I’d venture to guess this was indeed the local pub. Which meant I was one step closer to where I needed to be.

I held my head high as I marched through the doors, drawing a few snickers from nearby drunkards. I searched the smoke-filled room for anyone who appeared even semi-approachable. I could do this. I breathed in through my mouth, so if the smell were worse inside, I wouldn't visibly gag.But, it was indeed just as bad, which made breathing difficult altogether. Sweat, beer, strong spirits, and the foulest of body odor permeated the air. Mouth breathing it was, only it was certainly disgusting tasting it upon my tongue. Shallow breaths would have to do, then.

The patrons were rowdy and clearly gruff. The red of my cloak overwhelmingly stood out amongst a sea of leather-clad men, and muddied white and brown clothing.

I gulped. Yuck.

In the far corner, a lone man sat behind a table with a mug of beer in front of him. His tricorne was tipped so low, I could not see his eyes. He appeared to be out cold. Well, he certainly wouldn’t be of any use.

Another burly-looking man wobbled and fell from the bar stool as he chugged his cup.I rolled my eyes. Did all these men carry on this way?

There had to be someone in this place who could assist me.

Across the room there were two other men. They didn’t appear as drunk as the others and seemed to be eyeing the crowd with somewhat amused expressions. I tossed my shoulders back, shaking off any trepidation that may be attempting to surface and moved toward them, slipping through the crowd.

The first man who looked up, arched a dark eyebrow, and inspected my appearance before going back to his pint and staring at the table. His companion didn’t even bother sparing me a glance.


The noise had begun picking up, so I leaned in, ignoring their dismissal. “I’m looking for Silverthorne.”

I did not miss the way the smug man’s pint froze midair. He didn’t look at me and tried to act as though he hadn’t heard me, but the pause had been there. Jackpot.

“I need to find him, immediately.”

The other pirate coughed and slammed his drink down upon the table, its foamy contents splashing over the rim of his cup. “You clearly aren’t from around here, so I’ll do you a favor and give you a bit of a warning. Once.” He narrowed his beady brown eyes. “Get out of this pub.” He chuckled and then brusquely gave me his back.

His companion, however, was staring across the tavern before he swiveled his gaze back to me.

“Please. I must find Silverthorne.” My voice had grown louder than I’d anticipated and several people around us had silenced. I glanced behind me, noticing I had gathered more attention than I’d intended.Which was none… Oops.

A hand touched my shoulder, and I flinched. “Are these men bothering you, Miss?”

I turned, and an extremely rough-looking rogue, wearing a black bandanna wrapped around his rather large head, made eye contact with Mr. Smug Face before flicking his gaze to me. “No, not at all.”

He leaned in rather close to my ear. “Silverthorne isn’t a name you want mentioned in these parts. Come on outside, and I’ll tell you what you need to know.”

The man and his companion refused to make eye contact with me any longer, and I was not about to pass up the aid. I smiled, grateful that someone wasn’t one hundred percent standoffish in this place. The room stirred, but not as much as it had when I’d first arrived.

We exited the pub, and the man grabbed my arm, turning the corner past the people who had been retching earlier on. I had to swallow hard to keep from inhaling the pungent odors of my surroundings.

What a vile place. Just breathe in through your mouth, Ainsley.

“I’m surprised to hear someone mention the name Silverthorne in these parts. Rumors can be vicious bedmates.”
