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Just before I cum, he closes his hand around my throat and squeezes, not hard enough to cut off my breathing but hard enough that when my climax does hit, I feel it deep and hard inside me. Each pulse of the orgasm is deeply satisfying and somehow relaxing, even though it’s more intense than anything I’ve ever felt. It feels like there was a hidden itch somewhere deep inside me and each full-body spasm of this climax scratches that itch.

When he cries out and I feel his own cock pumping hard and deep, it makes my own orgasm stronger and when he releases my throat and collapses over me, my body continues to shudder for several minutes.

I lay underneath him, stunned at what just happened.

One thing’s for sure. This definitely won’t be the last time I do this with him. He’s an asshole and super-cock or not, I despise him, but he does have a super cock and I’m not going to bother pretending I don’t want to use it again.

I guess there are worse things that could happen.



The shower feels damned good and it makes my body feel pretty damned good as well. My mind reels, of course, over everything I just experienced with this woman. Hell, I haven’t the slightest idea how to wrap my head around it. I mean, I guess I knew walking to the room that we weren’t going to do any work and there’s no way for me to pretend the girl doesn’t turn me on from the very first second she snapped at me. Still, who in the world is ready to strangle someone and then ends up having the best sex possible instead?

Me, I guess.

Dear God, was she good!

Maybe it makes me an asshole to say something like this but the truth is, most of the time, when a girl is so damned beautiful, she’s not very good in bed. That’s my experience, anyway. I mean, I don’t think hot girls are more likely to be superficial or anything like that. However, I can say with a great deal of confidence that very attractive women tend to behave as though that’s the price, and whatever happens in the sack is good enough just because the guy gets to look at them.

Yeah, I know that’s not very attractive woman.

Just ones I’ve ended up in bed with.

Not Tabitha. She’s plenty amazing to look at but she’s more than just amazing with the way she moves her body. I can feel my body gearing up for more so I drive the thoughts from my head. Of course, since today is my day off, I don’t really have much of anything else to think about. I finish my shower, dry off, and step out of the bathroom. She stands there naked in front of me and says sharply, “I only have an hour.” Before I can apologize for showering before her, she grabs my wrist and pulls me back into the shower and I realize she’s just trying to get me to hurry up.

An hour later, I’m in my car and she’s headed back to the station. Now I’m reeling twice as hard as before. Well, maybe not hard. Good Lord, after twice with her, I think it’ll be a while before I’ll have the wherewithal for another erection. As though to make fun of me, my cock seems to pulse and I can feel the blood pumping in its direction just from thinking about how she moves and how she makes me feel with her body. I guess I’m a bit of an egomaniac but I can say with certainty I won’t leave women unsatisfied. I’m certain Tabitha is satisfied but the fact that she’s so good still makes me wonder a bit. I mean, this is definitely the first time I get as good as I give, not that those other times weren’t great for me.

And we still haven’t said a single fucking word to each other in a civil tone of voice.

I’m not sure why that should concern me. It’s not like we’re dating and it’s not like we didn’t both want everything that happened. Why does it matter that we like each other in bed and hate each other out of bed?

God, I need to clear my head.

I head to my friend Jared’s ranch about an hour-and-a-half outside of town. While our town is most well-known for the mountain forests that surround it, the valley below is known for its meat production. Jared owns one of the largest goat ranches in the country but that’s not why I’m visiting.

Shifters are a reclusive bunch by nature. Up until fifteen years ago, we were a reclusive bunch by necessity. Even after we came out to the non-shifting world, there are many shifters who insist we still need to hide from the world.

Jared’s not one of those shifters and neither am I but we, like most shifters, recognize the prudence in minimizing our exposure to the outside world, at least until the uneasy tolerance that exists toward shifters becomes true acceptance.

How this applies to my visit is that Jared has dedicated a portion of his ranch to his cougar form, leaving it natural and undeveloped so he can have a few thousand acres of wilderness to run through when he wants to shift without worrying about being caught. I and a few other close friends occasionally visit his ranch to blow off some steam without feeling like we need to constantly look over our shoulders.

I call ahead and let Jason know I’m on my way. He can tell by my tone of voice why I’m coming and tells me to meet him at the west gate—the gate that separates the business side of his ranch from the pleasure side.

He is already in cougar form when I park and as soon as I’m out of the car, he growls and lopes off into the wilderness. I shift quickly and let out a powerful roar before heading after him.

There’s something freeing about shifting that’s hard to explain to non-shifters. It’s not that my polar bear is my “true” form and my human form is somehow not who I really am. Both are me and I am both at all times. It’s more that in my human form, I have to constantly exercise restraint. It’s almost like I live most of my life walking on eggshells and I need to be careful with everything I do.

In my polar bear form, I don’t need to hold back and since I am miles away from any eyes other than Jared’s, I roar and bound across the wilderness with abandon. Occasionally, Jared will release a few goats into this part of the ranch, so he and his friends can experience a true hunt, but I’m not in a hunting mood. I just need to let loose for a while.

Even in this form, though, I can’t stop thinking about Tabitha. I tear after Jared, growling, and roaring and ripping through the ground with paws the size of barrels but I can’t lose myself in the shift the way I normally can. I see her under me, naked and moaning, I feel her around me, feel her lips and hands take me higher than anyone has. I see the fierce look in her eyes and hear the strength in her voice and realize that I’m not going to be able to drive her from her thoughts just by shifting.

“You’re not into this, are you?” Jared asks.

I look over to see he’s shifted back into human form and is now sitting on a rock ledge overlooking his pastureland. I roar once more, then shift back into human form and join him.

“You want to talk about it?” he asks.
