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He would take a lesson from Charlotte in this—let the young woman know he was ready to help her, but not push or force her to do or say more than she wanted.

“Well,” Seth said, “know Lady Blackmore and I are both willing to help you in any way. If ever you need something, just get word to either of us.”

Emma shook her head forcefully. “Thank you, sir. Good day, sir.” Her voice was so small, it reminded him of a little mouse.

Then Emma turned and hurried toward the house Seth knew belonged to Lord Baxter. She disappeared down the stairway and through the door used only by servants.

Seth let out a long breath. He’d been close to getting her to talk. But at least he now had a pretty good idea why Emma had originally gone to Lord Windham.

He needed to tell Charlotte. Striding quickly to his horse, he took hold of the reins and mounted. She would be most interested to hear this, of that he had no doubt.

Seth arrived at Blackmore House quickly and was shown into the parlor. A lady Seth had never met sat across from Charlotte, a bit of tea and those annoyingly perfect little cakes on the table between them.

“…my Lord Fernside insists that the Slave Trade Act passed earlier this year will be looked on someday as a tribute to humanity.” She continued to speak quite as though he hadn’t just been introduced.

“I could not agree more,” Charlotte said, waving Seth into the room. “It’s high time slavery was a thing of the past.”

Charlotte introduced him to Lady Fernside. She was dressed in deep purple which cried of wealth, and three long white feathers waved at him from her bonnet.

“Tea?” Charlotte asked him after they’d greeted one another. Seth gave her a nod. Charlotte turned back to Lady Fernside as she poured for him. “I’ve spoken to my William on this, and he’s assured me that though this act didn’t grant everything we were hoping for—everything your husband was striving for—it will still push the country toward the future we’ve been hoping to see. It’s still a victory.”

“At least we were able to count on your son’s support. My Lord Fernside wasn’t sure which way to vote until the very last minute.”

Charlotte looked up at her sharply. “Hasn’t he learned to listen to you yet?” she said with a laugh.

Lady Fernside laughed in return. “May I live so long.”

They spoke of Parliament matters for another minute or two before Lady Fernside took her leave with a smile for them both and the swish of her ornate purple dress.

“She seems a smart lady,” Seth said once it was just the two of them again.

“Oh, yes. In fact, were she not married to a man of such high standing, she’d very much be in danger of being labeled a bluestocking,” Charlotte said with a spark of humor in her eyes.

“Heaven forbid,” Seth said with a chuckle.

Lady Susan Blackmore entered the room, her brow creased. “Don’t tell me I missed the rest of Lady Fernside’s visit.” She bid Seth good day and then sat beside Charlotte. “She always has the most interesting perspective on things. I was loath to be pulled away.” She turned toward Seth. “Samuel grew suddenly too fussy for his nursemaid to handle.”

“Is he all right?” Seth asked.

“I think he’s getting another tooth,” Susan said with a discouraged sigh.

Ah, that would account for the exhaustion hanging about her eyes.

Susan leaned forward, taking one of the small round cakes. “He’s finally asleep. Hopefully, he’ll take a good, long nap and—”

An unmistakable baby’s wail broke through their conversation.

Susan’s entire face crumpled, and she collapsed against Charlotte. “Why does having a baby have to be so hard?”

Charlotte’s gaze met Seth’s. It was clear by her expression she was remembering those days of holding, rocking, and soothing a little baby. Seth could remember them as well. His late wife had passed not long after Dinah’s birth, and despite his sister’s help with his two young girls, he’d still done much himself those early years.

Only a moment later, a young maid hurried into the room. “Pardon me, Lady Susan.”

Susan sat up straight. “I know. Samuel needs me.”

The maid looked regretful. “Yes, my lady,” she said with a quick curtsy. “The nursemaid can’t seem to calm him down.”

Seth stood. “I’ll calm him down.” He turned to the maid. “Have the nursemaid bring the young man down here.”
