Page 68 of Love Buzz

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I sit on the edge of the mattress and follow Autumn around the room with my eyes as she plucks a shirt from the hanger and tugs jeans from the dresser. She lays them beside me and returns to the dresser for bra and panties. She twirls the minimal material lace panties around her finger and saunters over to me.

I look between the sexy as hell panties and her eyes, swallowing. “Don’t think I’ve seen those,” I squawk like a hormonal teenager.

Her knees bump mine before she plants each on the bed, straddling me. I stare up at her in complete fascination as she licks her lips. “You haven’t. Bought them online a few weeks back.”

My hands go to her hips, knead once, twice before dipping to her ass. I cup her cheeks and drag her closer to my chest. “Can’t wait to see them on you.” Her plump lips tug at the corners. “And to peel them off later.”

She drops her mouth to mine and kisses me with fire on her lips. “Later.” Hopping off my lap, she tosses the panties to the bed and takes my hand. “Let’s go shower.”

There are pros and cons to having a single bathroom and shower in this house. Con—you have to wait your turn. Whether to shower, brush your teeth or use the toilet. Con—you never know how long the wait will be. Pro—more joint shower time with Autumn to “conserve” water or time. At least that is the excuse we give Clementine.

Until today, I’d never had shower sex. Movies and television make it look easy. In reality, it’s awkward and slippery and complicated. Guess we will have to practice until we get it right.

Won’t find either of us complaining.

* * *

Lifting the beer to my lips, I swallow down the hoppy brew and glance around the back patio.

Everyone being here feels almost dreamlike. Six months ago, if someone would have told me I’d be head over heels in love with someone other than my best friend, I would’ve laughed in their face. If they also told me the love of my life came with the cutest little girl on the planet, I would’ve laughed harder.

Sometimes fate surprises you. Throws a wrench in your ideal plan because it has something better in store. Seeing my friends and family together tonight proves you can’t stay single-focused forever. You have to learn that people enter your life for a purpose. To show or teach you love so you recognize it when it enters your life. To tear you down so you learn how to rise and be the strongest version of yourself. And how to locate your own path.

For some, it takes a lifetime. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait so long. But I thank fate for the years I traveled down my path. Through the heartache and uncertainty. The friendship and laughter. Without them, I might not have met Autumn. I might not have been ready to meet her. Unwilling to open up or see the big picture. Feel the way my soul hums when she enters the room.

Tonight wouldn’t be what it is without her.

Cora, Erin, Shelly, and Penny lounge on the outdoor couch with Autumn, laughing. Watching them whisper like school girls is a sight. Autumn snorts then smiles and I can’t take my eyes off her. That woman belongs to me, and I am damn lucky.

Mom and Dad play with Clementine, Ashton, and Lex in the yard, chasing them around until they squeal with delight. Spartan is hot on Dad’s heels, barking playfully. With Clementine living here now, I contemplate adding kid-friendly fun to the backyard. A swing set or trampoline or treehouse. Maybe Jasmine will bring Lex over to play more if I do.

Gavin, Rex, Anton, Micah, and Reznor are in what looks like an all too serious conversation. Anton animatedly tells them something and I am certain it is in regards to finances. Anton has always been a great guy, but as soon as someone mentions saving for the future or making significant life changes, he flips into the most passionate numbers man.

Jasmine, Jillian, Trevor, and Iliana sit opposite the couch near the fire bowl and talk softly. And, if I am not mistaken, Trevor glances a little longer than typical at Jillian, but I won’t call him out on it. Trevor has been through some shit with his ex. Considering how long we have been friends, I know he wouldn’t hurt my sister. Especially if he wants to keep his dick intact.

Cora rises from the couch and walks my way. Sidling up to the grill, she refills her drink then faces me.

“I’m happy for you.”

After I flip the chicken, I glance at her. A smile I used to think I couldn’t live without stretches across her face. The appearance brings me joy, but a form much different than it once did. So much has changed between us. It isn’t often men and women remain friends. Usually, relationships or emotions meddle. At one point, that was almost the case for us. But it never felt right. Although I love Cora, my love for Autumn is a million times more powerful.

As Autumn once told me, maybe Cora came into my life so I could experience love and see it firsthand with her and Gavin. Cora was never fated to be mine, just a teacher to prep me for the future. For Autumn and Clementine.

“Thank you. Never thought this would be my life.” I wave my beer bottle around. “But I’m damn glad it is.”

Cora leans in and hugs me. “Knew she was out there. She was waiting for you too.”

I break the hug and smile. “Yeah.” I glance over to Autumn, who peeks up and smiles back. “Lucky I found her.”



One year later

“I miss your face,” Penny whines as she wanders into my booth.

“Just my face?”

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