Page 39 of Love Buzz

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“See you tomorrow, scarlet.”

“Tomorrow.” I give him one last kiss before walking to the car.

I toss my bag in the back, then get behind the wheel. As we back out, Clementine and I wave goodbye.

A block from Jonas’s house, Penny twists in her seat to face me. “I foresee needing a new roommate in my future.”

I slap her arm without looking. “Shut up,” I joke. But I don’t fight the painful smile. Nor do I dispute her accusation. Because I see it too.



Nothing like startling awake to a cold nose and wet tongue in your armpit.

“Argh! What are you doing?” I croak, arms flailing in a desperate attempt to stop Spartan.

Woof, woof, woof.

I peek up at the husky hovering an inch from my face. “You don’t behave like this with Clementine,” I accuse.

Woof, woof.

“I see how it is. Well, I’ll remember this conversation next time you beg for treats.”

The alarm buzzes and Spartan jumps off the bed. I slap the clock and roll into Autumn’s pillow, smothering myself with her scent. Not quite the same as her in my arms, but it will make due for now.

I fall out of bed, slip on sweatpants and a hoodie, and use the bathroom before clipping Spartan’s leash on. We trod out the door and walk our normal route around the neighborhood.

Five houses down, an odd sensation washes over me. A fluttery twitch in my solar plexus. I stare down the sidewalk and across the street but spot nothing out of the ordinary. When Spartan stops to sniff a mailbox, I glance behind us and scan where we came from. Being five in the morning, I don’t usually see neighbors during our morning walk. And this morning is no exception as I spot nothing. But the uneasy tremble in my gut begs to differ. The sensation screams at me that I am not alone.

Unable to shake the feeling, I cut our walk short.

Back in the house, I go about my morning weekday routine. After eating a quick breakfast, I pour the pot of coffee in my thermos, grab my wallet and keys, then put Spartan in his crate and turn on his radio.

“Be good. See you later, bud.” I ruffle his fur through the grate.

I lock up the house and walk to the Jeep. As I peer up and press the fob to unlock it, I notice a slip of paper pinned beneath my windshield wiper. Approaching the Jeep, I scan up and down the street for signs of anyone but see nothing odd or notable.

Once the paper is within arm’s reach, I tug it out. I check the street one last time before unfolding the paper and looking down.

She doesn’t belong to you.

What the actual fuck?

My fingers curl as I start to ball up the note. But before I wad the note or rip it to shreds, I take a deep breath and relax my digits. I walk to the end of my driveway and scan the street again as I stuff the note in my pocket.

I scrutinize every car along the street. Peek through the windshields for people or movement. Scan the length of the sidewalk, searching for anyone on foot. Glance up the nearby trees and stare through every shrub within a fifty-foot circumference.

Not a goddamn thing.

“Come at me, motherfucker,” I growl. “You won’t touch her.”

Not sure who this asshole thinks he is, but there isn’t a chance in hell he will lay his hands on Autumn. He is damn lucky I restrain myself from beating his ass.

I get in the Jeep and start it. While the engine warms up, I take out my phone and type a message to Autumn.

Jonas:Morning. After you drop Clementine at school, please call me.

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