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A look of pain passed over Lady Belle’s face. She did well concealing it. “Why did you bother to lie about your name then?” Julia asked. “You could have told us the truth. We wouldn’t use it against you.”

“I couldn’t be certain of that. When I first met Stephen, he was simply a stranger in the woods. And when I met you all, you seemed kind but I didn’t think it wise for me to reveal who I truly was, lest my Father learned of my location. It seemed all my lies did nothing in the end, however.”

“Then what will happen now?” Lily asked her.

Lady Belle turned her eyes to Lily. “I will have no choice but to marry the Marquess of Winchfield, as my Father wishes.”

“And His—”

“Stephen?” Anne asked, cutting into Julia’s question. When Lady Belle turned her attention to Anne, Lily caught her sister’s eyes and discreetly shook her head. Even though they knew the Duke’s true status, it wasn’t their place to reveal it. He too must have had his reasons.

“I...I haven’t gotten the chance to speak with him yet. I don’t think I will.”

Lady Belle’s chin quivered. It was for a brief moment and she lifted her head with a deep breath, as if he was trying to keep herself from crying. Lily, without stopping to think, got to her feet and went to sit by Lady Belle’s side.

She enveloped her into a warm hug. “It must have taken you a lot of courage to leave your home like that. That’s why I admire you so much.” She pulled away to see Lady Belle’s eyes swimming with tears. For some reason, it put a smile on Lily’s face. “And you needn’t worry about us. We are not angry with you. If anything, we were worried.”

Julia approached her next. Hannah moved out of the way in time to give Julia the space to hug Lady Belle. “It must be terrible being forced to marry someone you don’t love, especially since Stephen is the one you love.”

Anne didn’t move, but she leaned closer, her eyes sad. “Will you be able to stay a little longer? Perhaps I can send word to him that you are here?”

“No!” Lady Belle exclaimed suddenly. “I mean...I can’t be here for long. I’ve already risen the suspicion of my butler and there is no telling when my parents will return to the manor. I must be back before they are.”

“Well, then would you like for us to relay a message for you?” Lily asked. “I’m sure there is something you would like to say to him.”

“There are many things I’d like to say to him but...for now, could you tell him how sorry I am. For every lie that I’ve told, I only wish to apologize sincerely for it.”

The pain on Lady Belle’s face tore Lily’s heart in two. She didn’t want to see their love end like this. Lady Belle was her friend and if she could do something about her situation then she had to at least try.

“We will,” she told her, squeezing her hand. “I’ll make sure he knows how apologetic you are about everything.”

“Thank you, Lily. You truly are a dear friend to me.” Lady Belle pulled her hand from Lily’s, her lips tightened. “I think it is time I took my leave.’’

“Already?” Julia gasped.

She nodded. “I did not intend to be long. I fear that if I linger here any longer, I will be tempted to stay altogether. And that won’t bode well for anyone involve.”

“I suppose it won’t.” Lily rose. “Allow me to escort you to the door then.”

Lady Belle smiled gently and nodded. Lily turned, aware that both Julia and Anne were following behind. As they passed through the kitchen, they did not come any further. Lily turned to face Lady Belle before she went out the door. “I hope everything ends well for you, Lady Belle,” she said.

“Please. There is no need for titles.”

Lily did nothing but smile. And when Lady Belle was about to leave, she pulled her into another tight hug. Lady Belle hugged her back just as tightly and pulled away with reluctance. She glanced back many times on her way to the carriage waiting idly by for her. Lily waited until she was safely inside before she closed the door and faced her family.

“You look as if you plan on doing something,” Julia pointed out, peering closely at her.

“I feel terrible for her,” Lily admitted. “If I can do something to help, then I shall.”

“Something to help? Like what?”

Lily did not answer. She merely went up the stairs and headed straight to her room. There, she brought paper to her desk and sat down to write a letter to the Duke of Dunleer. If there was anyone who would be able to help Lady Belle, it was him.

* * *

Thankfully, Belle arrived home before her parents did and had enough time to prepare for the dinner. Hannah, once they were behind closed door, became a worrying mess, certain that the Duke would unleash his wrath on the both of them. She often assisted Belle in sneaking out to ride Shadow, but according to her, this was something entirely different.

Bell couldn’t blame her anxiety, nor could she force the girl to break the silence that had fallen over them both as they prepared for dinner. Only a few hours ago, a servant came to inform her that her parents had returned to the manor, and Belle had stayed in her bedchamber, awaiting her father’s arrival. He didn’t come, however, nor did her mother, and she was tense with trepidation wondering what he was thinking.
