Page 79 of Fighting For It

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Epilogue 2


“What wasthis about saving something for me?” Luna asked.

Graham nodded toward the kitchen. “There’s a piece of chocolate cake in the fridge. The kind with extra frosting that only you like.”

Luna clapped with glee. Fuck that was adorable.

“But that’s from you, not Oz,” she said.


I was stalling. Which was stupid, since I hadn’t hesitated about anything this way in a long time. Not since Judith. On second thought, I don’t think even that meant this much to me.

“Are you nervous?” Graham asked in disbelief.

I stared back. “Fuck you.” My tone was light.

He grinned. “Not until after you tell us. Distracting me with offers of sex doesn’t get you off the hook.”

“The commutes are getting to be a bit much.” Best I get it over with, or he’d make a big deal out of things, and then Luna would join in… That would be fun, but it would delay what I really wanted.

“I get paid in a week, and it’ll be enough for a down payment on a car.” Luna’s voice was meek.

I smiled. I was so excited to see her doing this. “Not what I meant. I don’t mind chauffeuring you around. What I mind is leaving either of you at the end of the night. Also, sleeping in Graham’s bed. I mind that lumpy piece of shit a lot.”

“Fucking hell, really?” Graham’s sigh was exaggerated.

Double adorable. “One of my rental homes just opened up. I’m doing a lot of work down here in the valley, you’re both situated here, and I was wondering if I should take the rental off the market so we can make it our second home.”

“I think I need a first home in order to have a second.”

“The place up in Jeremy Ranch is the first,” I said. “You know, that tiny little chateau where we spend our weekends?”

Graham scoffed. “Tiny. Pft.”

“Wait…” The pieces clicking in Luna’s head were almost audible.

“You’re getting it.”

She stuck her tongue out at me. “You’re suggesting we all move in together.”

“I’m asking that we make it official.” I may control her in the bedroom, but I would never presume to order her around day to day.

Her grin brightened the room. “My cards said it was going to be an amazing day. I thought they meant the tattoos, but—”

“Is that a yes?” I didn’t mean to cut her off. I was more anxious than I should be for an answer.

“Can I bring the bed?” Graham asked.

I fixed him with a glare. “No.”

“I guess I’m in anyway.” He sighed heavily.

Luna elbowed him lightly. “You can’t see, but I’m cheering in my head. Full-blown chibi me, complete with pom poms. Yes. Yes, A million bazillion times, yes.”

“Fuck, I love you.” I brushed my lips over hers. I turned to Graham, holding his gaze. “And you. I love you so very deeply.” It was the first time I’d said that, and it felt incredible.

Graham’s breath caught as he stared back. “I love you too. God, you irritate the hell out of me sometimes, but I love you immensely. I can’t imagine a future that you’re not a part of. Both of you.”

As I kissed him, and Luna, and Graham again, I couldn’t help but think this was perfect. Better than perfect. This was the ultimate in amazing, and it was ours.
