Page 39 of Fighting For It

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The three of us spent the rest of the day working and enjoying each other’s company. Apparently all it took for Oz and Graham to get along were a pair of good orgasms.

Not that I blamed them. The experience left me wrapped in a pleasant ball of warmth. Graham’s non-answers weighed on me, but his actions after made doubt easier to ignore.

It was almost nine at night when Graham stood reluctantly. “I should be on my way.”

It wasn’t late, late, but given he showed up at my place twelve hours ago, it had been a long day of work.

The break in the middle was pretty incredible though.

“You’re welcome to stay,” Oz said. “I’ve got room.”

He had a way bigger bed than mine, that was for sure. Did I know because I’d had to sneak a peek at his bedroom more than once? Duh.

Graham shouldered his laptop bag. “Thanks, but no. This was a lot of fun, but I’m not going to make a habit of it.”

Of... what? The statement didn’t make any sense.

After Graham left, Oz tugged me into his lap and dragged his nose along the back of my neck. “I don’t understand how anyone could resist making a habit of you.”

Graham hadn’t been talking about me. Had he? “I think he mean the three-person sex.” That was a more reasonable alternative from the outside, but still not one I liked. “You’re okay with what happened today, aren’t you?”

“I told you I was.” Oz’s reply was kind.

“That was before it happened.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist, and grasped my fingers. “I still have my doubts about Graham when it comes to me calling him more than an acquaintance. But if you like him, and he’s not hurting you, yeah, I’m fine with it. And if you want me there for some of it, even better. Turns out I like watching you fuck. No surprise there, since I like watching you do a lot of things.”

As we made our way to bed that night, Oz was wonderfully understanding that I wanted to skip the sex and just fall asleep with him wrapped around me.

I wanted to spend Sunday with Oz too, but we both had prior plans. Still, waking up to his kisses and someone else making me coffee was a luxury I could get addicted to.

He was driving me back to my place when his phone rang. He glanced at the screen for half a second. “It’s Jake.”

“I don’t mind if you answer,” I said.

Oz did exactly that. “Hey, Jake.”

“Cole. How’s it going? I need a minute.”


I’d met Jake before. He placed Oz’s people in new positions when their apprenticeships ended. I tried to busy myself with watching the mountain scenery. It was rude to eavesdrop, but it wasn’t like I could go in the other room, and with the call on speaker…

“That woman you were introducing on Friday night. You saw the news about her?” Jake asked.

Me. I was that woman. I wouldn’t assume this was bad news, except there wasn’t any other kind about me out there right now.

Oz’s jaw was set hard. “I did. I also know the news is tabloid hype.”

“Funny how a piece of a—“

“If you wouldn’t say it to her face, don’t say it to me.” Oz bit off the words. “I’d hate to have to kill a business relationship because you’re a misinformed asshole.”

Jake’s chuckle was tight. “That’s actually why I’m calling. I can’t place your people anymore. I won’t work with someone who supports the kind of loose ethics that young woman has.”

Oh geez. I sank lower in my seat.
