Page 36 of Fighting For It

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Graham focused on me. “The rumors that a lot of your free time—that entire original team—was spent in one giant fuckfest of an orgy.”

I was grateful Oz had already told me this, or I would have choked on the air. Hearing Graham ask about it, not knowing how he felt, made it difficult for me to hold onto my composure, regardless.

“Yup.” Oz popped on the p. “That’s pretty solidly true.”

Graham looked between us, his gaze landing on me again. “You’re being quiet. What are you thinking?”

You first. I was looking longingly at the fantasy of having both men at the same time. Not a lot of people had patience, but I did. I’d waited for three years to see Graham again, though. And before that, several years just wondering if he noticed me. And now he was right here, skirting the edges of a conversation about sex.

Could I risk a replay of the other night? Did I want to deal with his rejection again? Believing Oz would be here regardless didn’t help. They were two separate entities.

I had to know. “What if it was without all the stuff Oz just said. Without the humiliation.” I liked that bit, but if it wasn’t for Graham, I liked other things too.

“It?” Graham repeated. “Watching the two of you have sex?”

When he put it that way… “No. All three of us. Or him watching us.” I had to force myself not to sound timid, amid the screaming in the back of my mind that said he was going to reject me again. Worse, if he was judgmental about it, I’d have to be mad at him again.

Graham lifted the screen on his laptop, lowered his head, and drummed his fingers on the keys, not really typing.

“Luna asked you a question,” Oz said.

Graham looked around—everywhere but at us. “Are the cameras on a separate network than the one I’m attached to? Uploading to the cloud? This has to be a joke.”

“You knocked on her door this morning.” Oz was calm. “I already mentioned how I feel about that kind of joke, and how little do you know about Luna to think she’d pull a prank like that? What purpose would it serve besides cruelty?”

I hadn’t followed the thought that far, but the notion soured my soul.

“That’s not it.” Graham sighed, and focused on me again. “You’re okay with this.”

“Yes.” I’d given Oz more details, but that was as much dirty talk as anything, and I wasn’t that comfortable with Graham. I’d like to be… “I like the idea of sex with both of you at the same time.”

“I—” Graham worked his jaw. He shut his laptop completely, rolled onto his knees, and crawled toward me on the blanket.

When he brushed his lips over mine, my heart skipped with a bittersweet blend of hope and doubt. I leaned into his mouth.

He slid his hand to the back of my neck and deepened the kiss.

My heart hammered against my ribs, threatening to break free, and I whimpered.

As if spurred by the sound, Graham nipped along my lips, before licking away the sting and sliding his tongue into my mouth.

Fuck me, this was real.
