Page 10 of Fighting For It

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Oz turned and nudged me, then lifted me to sit on the table, barely breaking our lip lock.

My skirt was too tight for him to push between my legs, but he fiddled with the hem as he rested his thigh against mine.

“Pinch me?” I whimpered against his lips.

He slid his palm over my bare skin, to between my legs, and pinched the tender flesh of my inner thighs.

I moaned at the sharp sting and the desire it sent spilling through me. “Nope. Not dreaming.”

He chuckled dryly. “It’s real. Is that the only reason you asked?”

“Yes. But it won’t be the only reason next time.” The pain had numbed quickly, but the tingle lingered.

Oz pulled away to tug at the edges of my blouse, near the buttons. “You always look incredible, but today you had to go and wear something that makes you easy to unwrap.” He fiddled with the first button, teasing my skin underneath.

“I wouldn’t say no.” Did I sound desperate or sexy? Did I care?

Oz shook his head and kissed along my jaw, down to my collarbone, stopping at the first button on my top, before pulling away, until the only contact he made was lightly grasping my fingertips. “If I didn’t have another meeting in thirty. I wanted to plan this better, leave us more time, but I was running out of it.”

“Because of Graham?” I didn’t like my ambivalence at his name.

“Partly. But also because I want to take you out. A date—so there’s no question—and this is short notice, but it would be tonight. I had planned to skip the event, but a friend asked me to attend--”

“You need a date for something you don’t want to go to?” That wasn’t so sexy, but I was missing something.

There was his smile again. I could get used to that, especially if he only used it around me. “It’s an industry thing. While I’d rather keep you to myself for the next several days, at least, this is a chance for you to meet people. You’re brilliant and this can open doors for you.”

The circuits met in my brain, completing the connection, and realization flowed in. “The Konsoles for Kids auction?” I couldn’t think of anything else to say. The event was huge in tech. Some of the biggest names auctioned off rare collectibles to raise money for Primary Children’s Hospital. Oz wanted to introduce me to those people? “I’m not great with the whole meeting people thing.”

“You’re great with me.” He squeezed my fingers.

It was totally different. “I know you. You get me.”

“And I’ll be there with you. Admittedly, showing off the genius cutie who let me kiss her on my conference table, but this is about you, not me. It’s a costume party, but a lot of people will be wearing normal clothes. It’s a casual event.”

Why was I hesitating? Because I didn’t want a repeat of last night. Not that I was going to kiss anyone there except Oz, but I was plenty capable of embarrassing myself in other ways. This was a chance of a lifetime, though.

“Yes or no?” Oz asked.

“Yes.” Saying it felt good. My shock was wearing off, leaving a hopped-up girl who’d had three quad shot mochas dancing in my brain and screaming with joy. “Yes, yes, yes.”

Oz scooted me off the table and bent in for one more long kiss. He brushed his thumb over my bottom lip before stepping away. “I’ll pick you up at seven. I’d ask you to stay, but…”

“Meeting. I know. See you tonight.” My voice tilted up at the end, and I hid my wince.

It took the last of my restraint to keep from skipping out of his office, down the hall, and outside. The instant I hit the sidewalk, several yards from the building, I let out a tiny squeal and clapped.

I had to call Violet. I needed to share this with someone. As I grabbed her number and listened to the phone ring, I walked past the bus stop. There would be another one.

“Hey.” Violet’s voice was bright.

“So glad you didn’t send me to voicemail. We need to talk. Can you talk now? I can call back.”

“Hang on, I’ll go on break.” Violet’s voice grew muffled as she spoke to someone in the background. During the days she managed an anime themed gaming cafe, and in her free time—don’t ask me how she managed that with two boyfriends—she volunteered at an LGBTQ+ youth homeless shelter.

I heard the faint sound of footsteps, and then a door closing. “Okay. What’s up?” Violet asked.
