Page 97 of Random Encounter

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“Harmony, hon, you have to give her time to answer each question,” Daria said from behind me.

“Okay.” Harmony slid down the cushions and landed on her feet. “Where’s your Christmas tree?”

Phillip set my tea on the coffee table and took the seat next to me. “In the basement. In its box.”

Alana dropped into one of the chairs with a huff. “Not everyone puts their tree up early like a spaz.”

Harmony mimicked the sound and crossed her arms. “Not everyone minds being a spaz.”

They’d grown so much in just a year and a half, but they were still the same wonderful girls.

“We haven’t put it up yet, because we need help.” Dustin stopped next to Harmony. “You’d better be offering to help.”

Alana rolled her eyes.

“Okay. Come on.” Harmony grabbed Dustin’s hand and tugged him toward the basement.

He glanced at Phillip. “I’m going to need help with the ornaments.”

Phillip kissed me on the cheek before standing. “On it.”

As the three of them headed downstairs, Daria settled next to me. “How are you holding up?”

“I’ve never had as many foot rubs in my entire life as in the last few months. Not that I’m complaining.”

“Lucky bitch.” Daria’s tone was light. I adored her company. As far as sisters-in-law went, she was up there with Luna in terms of awesome—for different reasons—even if neither relationship was officially by marriage.

I grinned at the teasing. “I’ll loan you Phillip for the day, if you need.”

“Right. Like he’s going to leave your side for more than five minutes anytime in the near future.”

That was probably true.

“Where are we putting this?” Dustin’s voice echoed from the stairwell.

Harmony ran into the room, a single box of ornaments in hand, and stopped in an empty corner near the fireplace. “This is where it went last year. It should go here again.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Dustin set about securing the artificial tree in place. “All yours.”

Phillip set two large plastic storage boxes on the ground and opened both. “Make it pretty.”

“Everyone has to help. Even Alana,” Harmony announced. She skipped to the couch and grabbed both my hand and Daria’s, and tugged.

A flutter moved through my belly, and I gasped, my hands flying to the sensation.

“Are you all right?” Phillip and Dustin asked at the same time.

I was glad they’d already put down what they were carrying. They were adorably attentive. “I’m fine,” I assured them. “I think the baby’s kicking.”

Alana’s eyes grew wide. “I wanna feel.”

“Does it hurt?” Harmony sounded concerned.

“Okay, and no. Here.” I grasped Harmony’s hand and rested it on my stomach, where I’d felt the sensation. “Give it a minute.”

Her face screwed up in intense focus. When another soft thump came from inside, she giggled. “It moved.”

“My turn.” Alana was insistent.

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