Page 8 of Random Encounter

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Was it wrong that I didn’t think I’d been this nervous even on my wedding day?

True, my perception of that day was colored differently now than it had been then, given the way things ended. But as I stood in the main floor lobby of the building where I’d be working, hopefully for a long time, my stomach felt like a rock tumbler.

I didn’t have any moral or ethical issues with the fact that I’d be working on an MMO that contained adult themes. I was a lot concerned that I was so inexperienced with the real life version, and that this was my dream job. I couldn’t screw this up.

“Hey, sis.” Luna’s cheerful greeting startled me. She landed next to me and hooked her arm through mine. Her presence tended to chase away doubt, and I needed that today. She was Graham’s girlfriend and the reason I even got an interview for this job. “Wave across the street at Violet, and then I’ll show you the offices.”

So goofy. So fun. I did as prompted, waving across the street at the coffee shop her best friend managed. “Lead the way.”

We took the elevator up, and stepped onto the floor where the AcesPlayed offices lived. I’d been here once before for my interview with the owner, Judith, and had the quick tour at that time. Enough to know where the different teams sat.

“Good morning.” Luna waved at the man working the reception desk. “Ivan, this is Adrienne, she’s our new artist. Adrienne, Ivan.”

“Hey.” His tone was cheerful. “Luna will show you, but break room is down that hall. I’m in charge of stocking the coffee, creamer, and stationary supply closet so if you need anything, let me know.”

I liked him. “I will. Thanks.”

“Tell Daphne we’re on our way back,” Luna said. “We’re taking the scenic route.” She led me through the hallways, pointing out the doors for QA, Development, Music, Writing... We didn’t interrupt because there people were working already. Also, there was no way I’d remember everyone’s names if I had to absorb them at once.

As we neared the Art room, I swore I heard a familiar voice, but I couldn’t place it. For all I knew, I’d overheard someone on campus one day who sounded similar.

“And this is lonely little me.” Luna stopped in front of an office at the end of the hall. “I’m told I can have minions in a few months, but for now, it’s just me. Which means you can come visit whenever you want and we won’t be disturbing anyone else.”

“Noted,” I said with a grin.

She knocked on the open door next to hers, and introduced me to the head of HR, Daphne.

This part of a new job was the same no matter where I went. I spent the next hour filling out paperwork and reading through company policy. When I was done, Daphne took me to meet my new co-workers.

As we strolled toward the Art room, the door was open this time.

“Top five things you leave behind in a zombie apocalypse. And go.” The voice that drifted into the hallway was deep, teasing, and super sexy. Probably not the safest thing to be thinking as I met the men who I’d be drawing sexy cartoons with.

“Oh. Um... My stash of solid gold bars.”

My step faltered. I knew that voice for certain. I’d heard it last night.

Daphne glanced at me. “Are you all right? I can ask them not to do that.”

“No, it’s fine.” I didn’t have a problem with the conversation. “First day nerves.” That couldn’t be Dustin.

We stepped into the room as the other voice said, “Gold can be melted down. Used.”

“But there are far more valuable materials, that weigh far less.” Oh, God, it really was him, and he hadn’t looked up yet.

And his equally gorgeous, currently clothed friend. “Okay, let’s say you own such a thing. That’s one.”

Sitting casually in my new workspace, looking and sounding like this was their domain and everyone knew it, were the nude models from last night. The two men I’d fantasized about screwing each other, and at least one of them knew what I’d been drawing.

“Addie.” Dustin grinned when they finally saw me. “You’re the new talent? No shit. That’s awesome.”

“It’s Adrienne,” Daphne corrected him with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “You all know each other?”

I wouldn’t correct the nickname, one because I liked it, and two because I hated telling people you’re wrong.
