Page 79 of Random Encounter

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“I had to prove myself in my interview, didn’t you?”

It had been a while, but yes. “Which he can do.”

“But… can he?” She pulled a pen from her purse, grabbed a napkin off the table, and slid both to me. “Draw the fighter from our promo graphics.”

Easy peasy. I could recreate him in my sleep. I sketched a rough outline, careful not to tear the thin paper, and handed the draft back to Addie.

“At least sign it,” she said.

I scrawled my name at the bottom. “Why?”

She tucked the sketch carefully into her wallet. “Limited edition art. And it’s mine.”

“Don’t let me find it on eBay.”

She gasped. “It’s mine. Now, what are the odds he could do the same?”

“You’re brilliant.” I texted Judith back with a simple note set up the interview. I’ve got this. “You’re going to talk to him with me, right?”

“Why?” Addie asked.

Mostly so I didn’t punch him in the smug face. “Moral support. And so I don’t punch him in the smug face.”

She nodded. “I’ll sit in with you.”

Because with the two of us together, we could do almost anything. With Phillip, we’d be unstoppable.

The thought came out of nowhere and gave me more hope than his name deserved to carry.

What if I told him I wanted him to stay? Not at work, not if he wasn’t fulfilled here, but in my life?

What if I asked Adrienne to do the same. Be my girlfriend sounded both simplistic and completely amazing.

I was tired of not having roots, and I saw them in this company. But more, I saw them in Addie and Phillip. I needed to think this through, not because I was uncertain, but because I needed to get it right.

I tugged Addie’s fingers to draw her attention. “The girls are going home in a few nights. Have dinner with me Wednesday?”

Her smile was worth more than the world. “Of course.”

Now to plan the perfect next step. And decide if I could forgive Phillip enough to see if he wanted to be part of it.
