Page 5 of Random Encounter

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“What did you have in mind?” My voice was barely more than a grunt.

This felt incredible. I didn’t know how he did this to me, worked me up then dragged me to the edge of desperation before release, but every fucking time…

“Your lips around my cock is always a pretty picture,” Phillip said.

“Dude, inappropriate.” I was teasing, and pushing his buttons on purpose. We threw the phrase around at the office all the time. There, it basically meant back off before HR gets involved.

Phillip chuckled dryly, and gripped my cock harder. “Fuck you.”

“Here? Now? With no lube?”

He pushed me to my knees in response.

I gripped the waistband of his shorts in my teeth and tugged them down, putting me at eye-level with his cock. When I dragged my tongue along the head, he groaned and gripped my hair. I took his length in my mouth, and he bucked against my face.

How was this as incredible now as the first time? It never got old.

Voices drifted closer, and my pulse cranked to implausible. I sucked Phillip’s cock, bobbing my head up and down as he fucked my face.

My own dick still hung out, aching with need from the attention it just had.

As Phillip gripped my hair harder, I did the same to his shaft, gliding my tongue along the skin, tasting him with enthusiasm.

His familiar grunts, the way they grew shorter, farther apart, told me he was close. When he paused, then jerked inside me with a shudder, I expected the salty spurt that hit the back of my throat.

I swallowed as he came, still licking and sucking, slowing as he did. When he stopped, I pulled away, and he slid from my mouth.

“Fuck.” Phillip’s voice was raw. He sank to his knees next to me, and grabbed my cock again.

I almost bit back my groan as anticipation surged inside. The whole evening had me so turned on that orgasm built quickly. He knew what he was doing, and I was ready to burst, so it didn’t take much to make me come. The sticky mess spurted across his hand, my sweats, and the floor.

“Oops,” I said with a dry chuckle.

We both sat there in silence for a moment, catching our breath, listening to the world pass by.

We cleaned up the mess with paper towels from the paint supply room—no reason to leave my DNA over some poor teacher’s classroom—and gathered our things.

As we went to leave, I saw Phillip’s sketch of Addie still sitting on the desk. I grabbed it to give it back, but for some reason, I tucked it into my own things instead.

The silence between us was familiar and comfortable as we walked to the parking lot. The wet spot on my sweats was a little awkward, but I didn’t care. It was worth it.

My phone chirped with a new email, and I grabbed it instinctively.

The email was from our boss, and the contents, the name Nolan, made me scowl.

“What is it?” Phillip asked.

I sighed. “Remember I told you about that guy I used to work with, Nolan?”

“The one who claimed you’d stolen his art, and pushed you out of your job over it?”

“Bingo. Apparently, he’s claiming AcesPlayed stole his design for their new game.” Repeating Judith’s message aloud made me even more irritated with the whole thing.

Phillip scowled. “Publicly?”

That would suck worse. We’d come from a company that thrived on public scandal, but here, the game would do that on its own. We didn’t need an extra media drama. “Not yet. He’s sent a Cease and Desist, and said things will stay between him and Aces if the matter can be resolved quickly.”

Phillip dragged out a long breath. “Lovely.”

“We’ve got this.” I was annoyed, but the problem was easily resolved. “Everything is in source control. We’ll kick proof over to Legal tomorrow and it’ll be fine.”

“New person starts tomorrow,” Phillip said.

“Perfect chance for them to learn how we make backups and keep histories of all our files, then.” I was confident that we’d prove our artwork was our own, and this would go away quickly. I came to work for AcesPlayed because I believed in what they were doing. Not because it was naked people fucking, but it was new, groundbreaking, and a game we were all passionate about.

And I was going move into the Director of Art position Judith hadn’t filled because there were only two of us. I was going to be a part of putting our name in gaming history books, in the most incredible way possible.

But I didn’t like that Nolan was back in my life, trying to ride my coattails to glory. Or something. What was his endgame, anyway?
