Page 48 of Random Encounter

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“Five things you look for in an adult toy store, during a zombie apocalypse?” Phillip’s question drifted into the hallway.

The absurdity of the question calmed me a little. I walked into the room to find them at their desks, chairs turned so they faced each other.

“Hey.” Phillip gave me a casual smile.

Dustin nodded at me.

Okay. They were cool. I could do cool. I could ignore the voice that wondered if acting casual meant we’d never do anything like this weekend again. It didn’t matter. It had been casual fun, right?

“Uh… one, a dildo with a suction cup base,” Dustin said.

Phillip clucked. “That you wouldn’t normally look for.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, which drew more attention in my direction.

“Let Addie do this one,” Dustin said.

My mind froze. “I’m good.”

“Come on,” Phillip coaxed. “Five things you grab from an adult toy store during a zombie apocalypse.”

I had no idea what to say. “Handcuffs.” I spat out the first thing that came to mind after dildos.

“See? That’s smart.” Phillips’s praise warmed me in a way it probably shouldn’t. “Possible one-time use, but if you’re close enough to need them, you’ll be glad you have them.”

Dustin’s sigh was exaggerated. “I think you mean boring.”

“Excuse me?” I looked at him disbelief. “I think you mean practical.”

“That’s one.” Phillip ticked off his first finger. “Four more.”

I hadn’t spent much time in adult toy stores. I’d ordered a few vibrators online, but never dared try anything beyond a bullet vibrator. I racked my brain. “Inflatable sheep.”

Dustin grinned. “Better, but you have to justify it.”

“If I get lonely and need someone to talk to, I’ll feel really awkward talking to an inflatable woman named Ingrid, who never closes her mouth.”

“That’s two, plus bonus point for the Red Dwarf reference,” Phillip said.

“What do bonus points earn me?”

Dustin seemed to consider this. “They’re like tickets at the arcade, the more you get, the better the prize.”

“How many for another night with the two of you?” Crap. No-filter Adrienne was back. “Thickest, heaviest collar they have.” I kept going before either of them could reply. I wasn’t sure what answer would be worst—not an option or one. “Plus, any leather. I’ll take a full-on gimp suit if I can find one made of heavier material than latex.”

Dustin waggled his eyebrows. “Kinky.”


Phillip ticked up a third finger. “Smart. Again. That’s three.”

Well, shit. What else did they have in places like that? “Flavored whip cream, because you know the world is out of sweets, and stripper heels.”

“Nope. Nixing the stripper heels.” Phillip shook his head.

Dustin pressed a finger to Phillip’s lips. “Shh. Let the lady talk.”

“The sheep and I are finally going to learn to walk in ridiculously high heels,” I said.
