Page 22 of Random Encounter

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I laughed. “Nope. No grades. A couple of us are going to celebrate an awesome week and head to a local club. You should meet us there.”

“What kind of club?” Like that, the hesitation was back.

“The kind with beer and a live music. Brandon’s boyfriend Danny is performing.”

“Oh. Okay. Sure.” And now she was light again.

What? “What other kinds of clubs are there?” I had a list in my head, but I needed to know what she was thinking.

“The kind with collars and leather and whips and... you know. A girl hears stories about orgies, and starts to wonder— Never mind.”

Was she the kind of woman who wanted to be cuffed and collared? Maybe. But something told me Addie was more a strip-me-down-in-front-of-an-audience-and-make-me-come-while-they-watch kind of gal.

Like that, I was hard. Did a series of celebrations filled with everyone screwing everyone sound like fun? Yeah, but mostly to the part of me that was still twenty. I wasn’t up for weekend orgies these days. Drawing the extra limbs was hard enough. Keeping track of them during actual sex? No thanks.

Whoever I was dating tended to be plenty when I wanted to get laid, and when I didn’t have that option, Phillip was always a great fuck. But I might consider a threesome if Addie was involved.

“Nope, just the normal kind of loud, obnoxious, fun bar-type club,” I said.

“Sounds great. When and where?”

Yes. How was I so excited about such a simple answer? “Eight, so you’ve got time. I’ll text you the info when I get home.”

I might need to do something else when I got home, like take a little life advice from Something About Mary. Get rid of the raging hard-on digging into my jeans, so I could focus on the evening out.
