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They got back to Nana’s house—Jonathan wouldn’t think of it as his. There was no doubt he’d sell the place now. Bailey settled in to her lists, and he stepped outside, to return the call he ignored earlier. He didn’t need her overhearing this conversation. The number was unfamiliar, so he wasn’t certain, but he had a good idea where it was from, based on area code.

“Andrew Newton.” A cheerful voice picked up on the other end.

That was what he thought. “Jonathan Woodhouse, returning your call.” He’d decided not to sell, but there was no reason for Bailey to know he’d considered it.

“Hey, man. It’s nice to put a voice to the name. Especially for someone I’ve heard so much about.”

“From whom?”

Andrew chuckled. “The girls and some of the guys. You know how they gossip. Get them in front of a camera, tell them to take off their clothes, and a lot of them get chatty when they’re nervous.”

“The guys?” Jonathan pulled his phone away from his ear, to glare at it.

“Teasing. Miss Mercy speaks highly of you in vague and professional terms. What can I do you for? I hear you’ve got antique nudies. Old Playboys maybe? Original classic pinup art?”

Jonathan wasn’t sure how this guy was friends with Mercy—everything about the conversation grated on his nerves—but apparently they went way back. Kids did tend to make bad decisions. “Ernest Hemingway.”

“Is that a metaphor? Some kind ofOld Man and the Seakind of kink?”

“It’s literal. It’s a film of Ernest Hemingway. But I’ve wasted your time. It’s not for sale after all.”

“Hmm.” Was that seriousness in Andrew’s tone? “The imagery is disturbing, but I guarantee there are buyers out there for it if you can prove authenticity. What changed your mind?”

“It’s also starring my grandmother.”

“Oh. Eww.” Andrew sounded disgusted. “You thought about selling that? Man, what’s wrong with you?”

“I wasn’t in my right mind. Mourning does funny things to a person.” Jonathan wondered why he returned this call. Anever mindtext would have sufficed. It was a relief to step back from the situation and view it from a different angle, though.

“I’m glad you got over it. If you come across any classic spank-sheets that don’t reek of Oedipus, give me a call again.”

“Oedipus was with his mother. And I didn’t make the fucking movie, I found it in storage.”

“Technicalities. Keep my number, but not for the incest. And I’m sorry about your loss.”

“Thanks.” As soon as Jonathan disconnected, rage sped back in. Was there a time limit on something like this, or was he stuck with the empty void in his chest forever?

When he wandered back into the house, Bailey looked up from her spot on the couch. “Everything all right?” She frowned. “Besides the obvious?”

Not really. Not ever again. That was melodramatic. He needed to reconcile Nana’s choice or he wouldn’t be able to get on with life. “I—yeah. I need to head back to my hotel and grab the rest of my things so I’m here to help you finish up, but I can’t sleep in this house.” His voice cracked. “Who do you like best in town, as far as lodgings are concerned?”


“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Why did he say that? His subconscious didn’t fill in the blanks of its assumption.

She sighed. “You’re being stupid. I have a perfectly good guest room, and my place is close.” She gave him a hesitant smile. “We’ll stay up late watching movies, and you can make sure I don’t get into any trouble, and make breakfast.”

Her teasing threatened to lighten his mood, but his resentment refused to let that happen. He covered both in numbness. “All right. But you have to behave.”

“Me? I’m not the deviant.”

“Whatever. I’ll be your chef, but I’m not your manservant.” There. That was the superficial joking he could do with anyone. The mask he was comfortable in.

“Do you want company? Driving back to your hotel, I mean. You’re not the only one who’s been stuck on this island for days.”

He didn’t want to talk, but being alone with his thoughts was worse. If she was there, they could keep up some kind of meaningless banter, and he didn’t have to sink into his own head. “Sounds fantastic. We’ll grab lunch and make a day out of it.” He offered his hand, and pulled her to her feet when she accepted.
