Page 5 of Reluctant

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“Nope. Half your brain walked out the door with your little sis.”

“Don’t call her that.” Or maybe Logan should let the nickname stick. It was a good reminder. “I’m just not feeling the fun tonight.”

She dragged a nail down his chest. “You haven’t really tried.” She was the only person he trusted with the knowledge he was attracted to Jodie. Phoebe teased him about it sometimes, but she was a sympathetic ear overall.

“Is this your way of helping? It’s not working.” An image teased his thoughts—Jodie next to him instead, pressed close and looking up at him through her lashes, hands tucked in her lap. He’d lift her chin, tangle his fingers in her hair, and crush his mouth to hers. Phoebe had a point. Half his brain did walk out the door with his sister.

Phoebe slumped back in her seat. “You’re right.”

“I’m glad we agree.”

“I’ve had too much to drink.” She dropped her gaze. “Give me a lift home?”

“Sure.” He stood and helped her to her feet, grateful for the excuse to get out of here. “And thank you.”

Fifteen minutes later, he dropped Phoebe off in front of her house.

“Go home. Or wherever Jodie is,” she said as she left the car.

“Not happening,” he called after her retreating figure.

Great. Now what? He’d promised Jodie a few hours of quiet, and it hadn’t even been one, so he couldn’t go home. She probably wouldn’t complain, if he left her in peace, but flickers of fantasy continued to tease him. Sliding up behind Jodie… Kissing along the back of her neck… Pressing her against the wall and gliding his hands between her legs…

He pounded the steering wheel with the side of his fist. This needed to be under control before he saw her again. He cranked the stereo, pointed his car toward the highway, and drove. With the windows down, the tang of the ocean helped cool his skin. He dove into the music, and with time, it painted over his out-of-control thoughts.

It was after two in the morning when he pulled into his apartment parking lot. Jodie’s car was in the visitor area. That was fine; he told her she could stick around. He repeated the assurance in his head as he made his way to his place.

Her shoes were by the front door when he stepped inside. He was about to call out her name, until he saw her sleeping on the couch. Her hair was draped over half her face, and her dark lashes stood out starkly against her pale skin. The way she lay on her side showed off the curve of her figure.

Apparently he didn’t stay out long enough. He dragged his gaze away from the rise and fall of her breasts with each breath. He crouched next to her and gently shook her shoulder. “Jodie.”

Her eyes fluttered open, and she focused on him. “Hey. What time is it?” A soft smile tugged up the corners of her mouth.

Don’t stare. Definitely don’t think about kissing those lips.“Late.” He helped her sit up. “Come on. You can sleep in the guest room.”

“’Kay.” She leaned into him when she stood.

Logan had to wrap an arm around her waist, to keep her upright. Her weight against him was warm and deceptively innocent.

When they reached the bed, she whirled and kissed him on the cheek. Her lips scorched his skin. “Sometimes it’s not so bad, having you for a brother.”

She dropped into bed, and seconds later, her breathing evened out. She was already asleep again.

He forced his feet one in front of the other as he walked to his room. He wasn’t sure what fucked with his head more—the kiss or the fact that her comment didn’t kill his erection.

Chapter Five

Monday afternoon, Jodie stood in front of Logan’s apartment. She knew what she was saying Saturday night, when he put her to bed. It might have come out as a drowsy, innocent statement, but it was meant to cement facts in her head. For instance, that Logan was off-limits.

A little decent sleep and doing well on her practical exam earlier had her in her right-mind again. The sun beat down on her back, she was in a good mood, and she couldn’t put off this visit. She rang the bell.

Logan answered a moment later. His shirt was unbuttoned and his jeans hung low on his hips. She was grateful her hands were full, or she would have reached out and trailed a finger along the definition along his torso and down to the V disappearing into his waistband.

“What’s up?” His question snapped her out of her trance.

She shoved the small cardboard box she held into his hands. “Mom sent you this.” It wasn’t unusual. Her mother frequently included cookies for Logan when she sent Jodie a package.

“Nice timing. I’ve been craving.” He took the gift and turned away. “Come on in. What kind are they?”

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