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Those girls are so infuriating! I have no idea what I’ve done to rile them up so badly. I ignore everything they say and everything they do, in the hopes that they’ll get bored and move on. But of course, that’s not happening.

Don’t bother telling me to retaliate Charl, you know that’s not my style.

I did, however, get a teeny-tiny one-up on them this morning. I’ll tell you about it.

So today was school picture day, and I woke up extra early to train in the pool. I figured I’d go down and do my lengths first, then I could do my hair nicely for the pictures. I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready and...have guessed it?

One of my eyebrows has been completely shaved off! Like, off-off. It’s gone!

I have no idea how they got into my room and did that while I slept, but I suppose it could be worse. What a stupid prank anyway.

What do I do?

Obviously, I could skip the pictures by hiding in the toilets, which would be fine except I still have to walk around with one freaking eyebrow missing!

I guess I could own it like you probably would have. You don’t give a damn. You’d probably start a beauty trend and have half the girls in the school shaving their eyebrows by lunchtime. But I’m not that brave.

I pull on my beanie and head into town. When I get there, I use a payphone to call Grandma. She wasn’t overly happy about being woken up at the ‘god awful arse end crack of dawn’ as she put it, but she did send a car (within twenty minutes!) which took me to a salon, where a lovely stylist cut me in a fringe. I swear Grandma must have been paying her quadruple time or something because who would even be that happy to be woken up and dragged into work at half five in the morning?! Crazy right?

So now I have bangs! I actually really like the style. But that’s not the best bit...

Thankfully I don’t have classes with any of the princesses, except gym but that’s later in the week, so I don’t see any of them until we’re all called to the main hall to have our photos taken. I make sure I’m there first so that they’re in the queue behind me. I can hear them whispering and laughing but over what I really don’t care.

When it’s my turn, I step forward and sit on the seat. The way the photographer has set up means that his back is to the crowd, but I’m sat facing them as he takes my picture. The girls are just beyond him, somehow having pushed their way up the line. They call to those around them to look at me as they start to point and laugh at me, but they stop short when they notice no one else is laughing. In fact, the people around them look confused. There’s nothing but a new fringe and a really good blow-dry to look at. I hear a couple of people even say how good I look.

I can’t help but grin at them - my only reaction - when I see the shock and disbelief on their faces. I feel like I channelled you for a moment there Charlie-bear, all badass and stuff. Of course, I have this ridiculous grin on my face, so of course, that’s when the photographer decides to take my picture. It’ll look awful, but you can’t win them all.

It may just be my favourite picture yet.

I love you. Be good.

Your Busy Lizzie x
