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Iallow him to pull me along in a daze. Yes, I’m dazed by the kiss Justin just planted on me.

Sweet lord, I’ve never been kissed like that in my entire life.

Kissed stupid. Senseless. Unable to speak if I wanted to.

Justin pulls me into a room and immediately presses me against the closed door. His body presses completely against mine, and I feel the hardness of his erection pressing against me.

I felt it during that kiss back on set, but my eyes widen ever further now.

Good lord, it feels like it's gotten even bigger.

Too big. He's too big. It would never fit inside my virginal body. That’s all my mind keeps chanting even as I feel wetness and a deep throbbing between my legs. I clench my thighs together to try to ease the ache.

The movement doesn't go unnoticed by Justin. His eyes darken, and his tongue comes out to moisten his lower lip.

"Sweet girl," his voice is barely a rasp in my ear as his head lowers to kiss the side of my neck. I hear him inhale deeply, something he seems to do around me a lot. He nuzzles his head into my hair, and I feel his hands fist in it.

"Like silk," he whispers as he runs his fingers through it.

Tingles snap along my scalp at the sensation. It feels so good. If I was a cat, I'd be purring by now.

My head falls to the side, and I can't stop the mewl that leaves my lips as he continues to lave and suck on the column of my throat.

His hands are moving down my body. They pass over the sides of my breasts, down over my waist and hips, before coming back up to cup my breasts. His thumbs flick over my nipples, which are painfully hard through the thin blouse I'm wearing.

I can't think with him so close, with his lips on me, his hands on me. I don't know where I get the strength, but somehow, I wedge my hands up between our chests and give him a firm push.

Justin is so big and solid there's no way I could really push him away if he didn't allow me to, but thankfully he heeds my signals and takes a step back, his eyes clouded with lust, his breath coming shallowly.

Like mine. I can hear my own pants and feel my frantic pulse galloping away in my chest.

"What is it, Katie?" he asks me earnestly as he steps back toward me to close the distance between us. "What do you need, baby? I'll do anything. Anything you want."

He frowns when I slip away from the door and put some distance between us. I press my fingertips against my temples. There. Maybe I can think better without him surrounding me, his scent, his body, his masculinity, just him.

"Why are you fighting this?" he asks me, his brow furrowed. "I know you can feel this." He motions between us with his hand. He takes another step toward me. "Just give me a chance to show you…"

I cut him off before he can begin his persuasive sweet talking now when my body's defenses are already lowered.

"I don't want to be another one of your conquests, Justin," I tell him truthfully.

He pauses, and then he expels a heavy breath. "Damned motherfucking tabloids," he mutters under his breath before he looks at me dead on. "Katie, what if I told you half the shit those fuckers print about me isn't true?"

I chew on my lip for a moment, but then I see his eyes darken as they fixate on the motion, and I immediately stop. "Maybe all the words aren't true, but the pictures don't lie, Justin. You've been photographed on the arm of almost every woman you've ever worked with. You're known for getting romantically involved with your costars." I look down, somehow feeling bad about accusing him of being a womanizer, even though all the signs point to the fact that he is.

He sighs heavily before he crosses the safe distance I put between us. He breaks down all those barriers all over again when he reaches out to tilt my chin up so I'm forced to meet his eyes.

"I may have gone on a date with many of those women, but that doesn't mean I fucked them."

I flinch at the raw way he says "fuck."

He continues, "The tabloids want to paint me as some sort of player. But it's the women who came onto me most of the time, and most of the time I didn't take them up on more than a date just to placate them because we were working together. I know some of them said we had more together than we did, but they just did it for the publicity."

"But you never denied any of the accusations," I point out.
