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Ishow up on set two days later ready to get started on the project I turned down in favor of the one with Justin. Granted, the script isn't as good as the other movie, but whatever.

Maybe Justin will get the message loud and clear that he can't yank me around when he finds out I've moved on and booked another job.

We haven't even started filming yet when suddenly there's a loud bang as the door is thrown open. It slams against the wall, and a seething mad Justin barrels through the door.

His tall, well-defined frame cuts an imposing figure as he stalks over to where I stand next to my new costar, a scowl firmly etched into his face.

His hair is disheveled like he’s run his fingers through it over and over again, but he’s just as gorgeous as ever in a pair of jeans and a black tee that defines every muscle in his chest. Damn him.

Damn my heart for doing a summersault inside my chest at the sight of him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Justin barks at me as he quickly closes the distance between us.

Despite every instinct in me telling me to step back, I stubbornly stand my ground. I square my shoulders and look up at him like he's a moron. "What does it look like? I'm shooting a new movie."

"Like hell you are," he snaps as his fingers close around my wrist, though not harshly, before he tugs me to him.

Lightning bolts zap through my arm at the contact, and I see his nostrils flare. I struggle anyway.

"Let me go, Justin," I'm making a scene, but I don't really give a fuck at this point. I can feel the stares of everyone in the room centered on us and the drama unfolding. Hell, this drama is probably more enticing that anything they’d ever see on the big screen.

Justin apparently doesn't care either because he doesn't release me.

"I mean it, Justin. I'm not working with you anymore. I'm shooting this film," I state adamantly.

He laughs, but it's not a humorous sound. No, it's devoid of all mirth and filled with warning. He leans in to say directly into my ear where only I can hear, "I've read the script for this movie, Katie. There's no way in hell you're kissing another man on screen ever again."

I didn't even realize there was kissing in this movie, but that's not the point.

"You can't tell me what to do, Justin," I counter back at him, though my voice comes out weaker than I intend.

"Oh yes, I can, sweet girl," his breath fanning my ear is doing things to me. My thoughts are muddling, and I'm not thinking straight. I'm surrounded by his heat, his masculine scent. His eyes are smoldering down at me. "You agreed to be mine, and there's no way in hell I'm sharing you with anyone else—on screen or off."

"You told someone I was just another conquest," I hate myself for how my voice wobbles and how tears prick my eyes.

Justin swears under his breath as his hands come up to cup my cheeks. "Never, baby," he denies adamantly. "I would never do that. I swear. I don't know how that rumor got started, but it wasn't me." He shakes his head and swears again, "Fuck, Katie, you have to believe me. I thought I made it clear how I feel about you. If I didn't, then let me do it now."

My mouth falls open as he falls to one knee before me. A collective gasp comes from everyone in the room as he takes my hand in his and kisses my palm ardently.

My heart begins beating erratically in my chest.

"Katie," he begins, "my sweet girl, my love, my life, I've thought of nothing but you since the first day I saw you on set. I knew then and there you were mine. I know it's fast, but I know when something's right, and, baby, nothing is righter than what we have.” He says that last bit adamantly as he kisses my hand again.

“I’ve been in hell this past week without you. Let me spend the rest of our lives showing you how much you mean to me. Fuck what the tabloids say. Fuck what anyone else says or thinks. All that matters is me and you." He gives my hand a little squeeze as he looks up at me earnestly, pleadingly. Something about having this big man on his knees begging me has me trembling.

"Will you marry me, my sweet girl?" he asks me, his eyes hiding nothing.

I stare down at him, humbled at my feet, unconcerned with how weak he may look. And I finally see it, really see.

The pure, unadulterated love and adoration shining in his eyes. And it takes my breath away that it's for me. He really does love me. I'm not just some fling to him.

I let my emotions get in the way of seeing the truth that was right in front of me all along. What's he's been trying to tell me all along.

Justin is just a victim of the tabloids like so many of us celebrities are. I'm suddenly shamed at how I was so quick to discredit him and believe the fodder printed in the papers without ever even giving him a chance to explain.
