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Gaby tensed as Angel drew her back into the shelter of his body and slowly turned her round. ‘There are upwards of sixty hooks on the back of that dress,’ he informed her with glittering dark golden eyes.

‘I know,’ Gaby admitted with a rueful grin as she collided with those beautiful, black-fringed eyes of his. ‘But sometimes you have to work harder for what you want...’

‘Is that so? You married a guy who likes shortcuts,’ Angel told her, sweeping her up into his arms and striding back into the bedroom.

‘People who take shortcuts often pay poor attention to detail,’ Gaby warned him with dancing eyes as she gazed up at him. ‘And youarethe party who chose the sixty-plus hooks for me to travel in.’

‘But I excel at detail,’ Angel swore, setting her down beside the bed and embarking on the hooks that followed her taut spine.

All of her was rigid, she registered uneasily, and not with antipathy. In fact, her whole body was tense with a wicked, almost joyful anticipation.

‘Am I allowed to take off my shoes, because they’re pinching my toes?’ Gaby whispered. ‘Or would that spoil the fantasy?’

Angel laughed and lifted her up onto the side of the bed, lifting her skirt to expose her feet. Lean brown hands curved to her slender thighs as she kicked off her heels with a wince, but she was infinitely more aware of his fingers almost absently stroking her skin. He bent to close a hand round one slender ankle and the same talented digits gently massaged her sore toes, slowly and carefully. A soft sigh of relief escaped Gaby and she leant back on her elbows to extend her foot for more of the same treatment.

Smouldering dark golden eyes gripped hers and her tummy somersaulted, heat surging at the heart of her. Her breath caught in her throat as she gazed back at him, mesmerised by the glittering intensity of his eyes set in his lean dark features. That fast she knew she had been kidding herself about having to make a decision about whether or not she would share a bed with him again. She looked at him and she craved him. It was that simple,thatbasic, like the tingling prickling of awareness engulfing her and the surge of blood rushing through her veins, making her agonisingly conscious of certain parts of her body.

‘Theos mou... I want you,’ Angel growled, hauling her up to him to snatch a raw, hungry kiss awash with so much passion that it sizzled. ‘I was burning for you the instant I saw you in the cathedral. You looked ravishing... I couldn’t believe you were mine.’

Her lips pink and lush from the onslaught of his, she pulled him down to her and tasted his sensual mouth again for herself, rejoicing in the hard strength and weight of him over her, desperate for that connection. The plunge of his tongue lit her up inside like a firework display and she squirmed, trembling as his fingertips brushed her bare thigh, eased beneath the lace edge of her knickers and stroked the swollen folds between her legs. She jerked, wildly oversensitive to the smallest touch.

‘Angel, please...’ she hissed, needing more, wanting more with every fibre of her body.

‘Detail at which I excel...’ Angel reminded her raggedly, tugging her back upright again, turning her around and attacking the hooks afresh. ‘I must demonstrate a little finesse.’

He spread back the fabric from her spine and pressed his lips to a quivering shoulder blade. Her breath hitched low in her throat and hung suspended as he released the hooks one by one while trailing his mouth very lightly over the most sensitive span of skin on her back. It was sensual, rawly sexual, everything Angel could promise with one burning look and her body behaved accordingly, her breasts feeling constricted inside her fancy bridal corset, her nipples peaking into tight buds, the dampness of response pooling between her thighs.

As the last hook released he tugged on the sleeves and her wedding dress tumbled round her toes. The faintly cooler air from the open windows cooled her overheated skin. Angel closed a hand round a slender shoulder and urged her back to face him.

‘How am I supposed to stay in control when you look like every guy’s fantasy?’ Angel enquired, a faint flush scoring his high cheekbones as he scanned the delicate palest blue beribboned mini corset, the diaphanous knickers and the suspenders anchored to the silk stockings.

That he could not hide how impressed he was sent a shot of pure adrenalin powering through Gaby’s lack of confidence. With one bedazzled appraisal, in that moment Angel made her feel like the most seductive, gorgeous woman alive. ‘You don’t need in control,’ she murmured.

‘I didn’t the last time,’ Angel muttered in a haunted undertone.

A fractured memory of that night crept back into Gaby’s brain, the sort of recollection she had rigorously suppressed for almost eighteen months. But just then she was remembering that wild, seething passion that had gripped them both throughout that night, incomprehensibly rising again and again even when she ached in every limb, even while she marvelled at how utterly compulsive, how driven sex was with him and not at all the less involved, more casual activity that she had once vaguely imagined it would be in her ignorance.

‘Yes...but it was...amazing,’ she almost whispered, colour warming her cheeks.

His dark golden eyes smouldered like molten honey. ‘And for me,’ he confessed grittily, as though it pained him to admit the fact.

He disconcerted her then by dropping to his knees to tug down the filmy knickers. Stiff with self-consciousness, she stepped out of them. That night in Alharia, she had not had to deal with the embarrassment of her nakedness, but here it was broad daylight and her body had changed from what it had been eighteen months earlier. Her hips had widened, her breasts were larger, her tummy was no longer perfectly flat and taut while silvery stretch marks and a C-section scar marred skin that had once been smooth.

His long fingers holding her steady, he used his mouth on her heated flesh. A ripple of raw arousal shimmied through her like an intoxicating drug. She told herself she would stop him, because standing there in the sunshine with that happening to her seemed totally shameless, but instead of stopping him her fingers sank into his luxuriant black hair and little gasps of sheer bliss were wrenched from her.

And then, right when she was on the very edge of satisfaction, Angel vaulted upright and lifted her back onto the side of the bed.‘Angel—’she began.

‘I don’t want you to come until I’m inside you,hara mou,’ Angel husked, unzipping his jeans at speed and ripping open a foil packet with his teeth like a man on a mission to win a marathon.

‘I’m on the pill now!’ she heard herself exclaim as if that were relevant, when really, she thought a second later, it wasn’t in the same way because they were married.

For a split second, Angel paused, a frown line dividing his black brows, and then he flashed her a brilliant smile. ‘Good to know...’ he muttered thickly.

There was a moment when he stood over her, fully erect and ready for action, and her heart thumped so hard she was afraid that he would hear it. The urgency in his every movement only reflected the crazy pent-up need clawing at her. He tipped her back with ruthless hands and sank into her hard and fast and she cried out at the intensity of the sensation, the ripple of response clenching her as his piercings increased her sensitivity.

‘Did I hurt you?’ he exclaimed, suddenly freezing.

‘No!’she gasped frantically. ‘Don’t stop!’
