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In truth she was fascinated to see Angel more relaxed than she had ever seen him, his luxuriant black hair tousled, dense black lashes low over glittering dark eyes narrowed with mirth and appreciation, his damp shirt plastered to the sculpted lines of his muscular chest.

And she thought then,thisis what he meant about being a ‘normal’ family, this is what Angel wants for our son and what he will actively strive to create. For the very first time, Gaby fully accepted that Alexios was Angel’s son as well and she was grateful for their connection. In fact, she was impressed that Angel was putting in the effort and not simply going through the motions or relying on his wealth and what he could buy for his son’s entertainment to do that bonding for him. Alexios was acquiring a father with an old-fashioned hands-on approach and she could not have been happier for her son. If only she didn’t have to wonder if she would receive the same keen attention as Angel’s wife...but she didn’t want to be a duty in Angel’s life or an extension of her son in his eyes. She was winding herself up, agonising about what he felt, and she felt, she told herself irritably. Where was the profit in that?

‘So, nerves eating you alive yet?’ Liz teased when the three women gathered for a relaxed spa evening in Gaby’s sitting room.

‘They will be by tomorrow but right now...’ Gaby lifted her hands and dropped them again ‘...I have no regrets and I’m convinced that I’ve made the right decision.’


GABYTOOKAfinal spin in front of the cheval mirror and the silk crepe skirt overlaid with Italian silk studded with crystals and mother-of-pearl teardrops flared out with the sleek weight of a luxury finish round her legs.

The off-the-shoulder design and skilled shaping at waist and hip flattered her curves while the narrow column of the skirt and her high heels gave her extra height. With the fabulous tiara anchored like a coronet of diamond fire in her mass of upswept copper hair, and the sapphire earrings and matching pendant, she knew that she had never looked better, and that knowledge gave her much-needed confidence.

‘Absolutely fantastic,’ Liz sighed fondly, snapping yet another photo with her phone.

‘Are you ready, ladies?’ Cassia asked brightly from the doorway. ‘Could I have a private word with the bride before we leave for the ceremony?’

Liz walked straight out but Laurie walked across to the dressing table and fluffed her hair, taking her time over departing. Cassia, sheathed in a stylish cinnamon-coloured dress looked as glossy and bandbox fresh as if she had stepped straight off a magazine cover. She closed the door to ensure the conversation could not be overheard and Gaby’s brow furrowed, her tension suddenly increasing.

‘Cassia?’ she questioned uneasily.

‘I’ve agonised long and hard over whether or not to tell you about my personal relationship with Angel,’ the blonde told her calmly. ‘But, going forward, I prefer to be honest and open...’

‘I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about,’ Gaby admitted in a strained undertone.

‘Angel and I have been lovers for years and I don’t expect that to change after the wedding,’ Cassia murmured, her face flushed, her pale eyes cast modestly down. ‘We have a long-term, convenient connection. You will have to accept that if you want your marriage to work. Angel expects to do as he likes when he likes and that will not change.’

Gaby’s chin lifted, her eyes cool as Cassia’s drawling tone of self-satisfaction sent ice splinters travelling through her tummy. ‘I don’t believe you,’ she retorted flatly.

She knew Angel better than she had years earlier and she recognised his essential streak of honour and decency, which was also laced with honesty. She doubted very much that Angel was indulging in some grubby sexual relationship with an employee behind closed doors.

That bold proclamation of disbelief seemed to disconcert the other woman. Cassia straightened her shoulders, her pale blue eyes sharp and glassy with the sheer loathing she had previously worked so hard to hide but which now shone like a beacon in her gaze. ‘I assure you that I am telling you the truth. For goodness’ sake, why on earth would I lie to you about such a thing?’

Gaby resisted a powerful urge to enlighten Cassia about the effects of jealousy, rage and resentment on the female psyche. Cassia had patiently waited for her moment backstage for years while Angel entertained himself with an endless variety of women. Possibly, Cassia had assumed that age and boredom would make Angel switch his focus to matrimony and finally acknowledge that his reliable friend and right-hand woman, Cassia, would make the perfect wife. But, sadly for her, it hadn’t happened. Not only had Angel failed to demonstrate any pressing need to settle down, but he had also fathered a son who could not be ignored with another woman. And all of a sudden, Cassia had found herself out in the cold, serving a rival whom she viewed as vastly inferior to her superior self.

‘You’re lying,’ Gaby stated with quiet conviction. ‘I understand why and I’m sorry that you feel the way that you obviously do, but there is nothing anyone can do to change the situation and I fully intend to marry Angel today.’

‘You’ll regret this!’ Cassia hissed in a seething undertone. ‘Believe me, you’ll regret it! I’ll make your life hell and don’t doubt that I have the power to do it!’

All that Gaby regretted at that moment was the knowledge that she would have to share their conversation with Angel. How could she possibly work with or accept advice from a woman who hated her? She wasn’t looking forward to having to explain why that was so to Angel, who would not be happy because he had long regarded Cassia as a dependable friend.

‘And you really don’t think that there’s a shred of truth to her story?’ Laurie prompted her friend worriedly fifteen minutes later during their drive to the cathedral.

Gaby’s dark blue eyes were calm. ‘I don’t. I’m a good observer and I’ve never seen even a hint of physical familiarity or sexual awareness between them. It was Cassia’s last-ditch attempt to wreck the wedding but, unfortunately for her, it didn’t work.’

Liz was frowning. ‘I can’t see Angel having an affair with a member of his staff...and why would he want to anyway? He’s never been short of female attention. You’ll have to tell him what she said.’

Gaby winced. ‘Some time obviously but not today. I’m not going to let Cassia get to me.’

Laurie smiled. ‘That’s the right attitude to have. But just the same, I’ll send you the recording.’

Gaby’s eyes widened. ‘Recording?What recording?’

‘I don’t trust Cassia. I left my phone on the dressing table in the bedroom to record your conversation before I left you alone with her,’ she confided.

‘My word, my sister, the consummate spy!’ Liz gasped in delight.

‘You recorded us?’ Gaby prompted in astonishment as her friend simply nodded and grimaced.
