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“Well, this is interesting.”

I put my finger up to my lips in hopes of shushing my sister.

She smirked at the sight of Lexie sound asleep against me.

I checked my watch. It was after midnight.

Reluctantly, I carefully untangled from Lexie. She let out a sigh but didn’t wake when I repositioned her on the sofa.

I pointed to the kitchen.

Beau tossed her purse on the counter. “Aren’t you supposed to ask me for permission to sleep with my best friend?” She grinned.

“Keep your voice down. Eric is asleep in my study,” I whispered.

Beau’s smile widened. “This just gets better and better.”

I scowled. How could I have temporarily forgotten she lived with me?

Muffy trotted into the kitchen.

Beau looked at the dog as if she were hallucinating. “Is that—”

“A greyhound. Yes. If you want specifics, speak to your brother.”

“I am speaking to my brother.” She squatted and rubbed Muffy behind his ears. He leaned against her.

“Your other one.”

Beau straightened and Muffy moved over to me. Absently, I patted his head. He sat on my foot.

“Am I in the right apartment?” She looked around as if she were seeing the space for the first time.

“Would you keep your voice down?” I whisper-hissed.

“Oh, it is you.” She elbowed me in the side. “For a second, I thought you’d replaced my grumpy brother.”

“Where have you been?”

“Yep. Definitely the right apartment.” She opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. “Working. I see now why I couldn’t find you in your office.”

I’d check the cameras to see if she had indeed been at work. I gripped the counter. No. That was something our father would do. If Beau said she’d been at work, I’d trust her word.

When she was prepared to tell me where she was really going, I had to accept she’d do it on her own time.

My knuckles turned white.

Was I in the right apartment? Because I didn’t recognize myself.

Muffy pawed my leg.

“I think he wants you to pet him.” Beau pointed at him with her water bottle.

I looked at him, at a loss. “It’s been a while since he’s been outside.”

He shot toward the front door and circled impatiently when I didn’t immediately follow.

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