Page 43 of Finding Forever

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“That’s sweet. I bet she misses him.”

“Yeah, she does. We all do.” I finish my snack and shove the wrapper in my back pocket. Standing, I finish my coffee and take the empty mug to the sink. “Alright, I better go.”

“Evie.” Tina stands from the table. “Tell Jimmy goodbye, baby.”

“Bye, Jimmy.” Evie runs head first into my legs until I pick her up and squeeze her tight. I need enough to get me through the day, maybe even the week, since tomorrow night’s going to suck.

Evie smacks a wet kiss on my cheek. “Where’s Gramma?”

I wipe her slobber off with my shoulder and turn to Tina. “Ah, I’m not sure.”

Nervously, she laughs. “She means your mom.”

“What?” I laugh and squeeze Evie tight. “How’d that happen?”

“It just did. We had Izzy’s baby shower at your mom’s house. Nelly was referring to herself as Grandma. Evie declared equality through the kingdom. Thus, Nell became Grandma. It’s weird, right?”

She’s nervous about my answer, but all I can focus on is Izzy, babies, grandma. My life fucking sucks. “It’s not weird. You should meet my brother. He’s single.”

At Tina’s nervous squeak, I laugh and put her daughter down. Saying my goodbyes, I wave and head back through the door and down the metal stairs. I’ve got places to be, dates to plan, security to organize, and the love of my life to erase from my heart and head.

I need more Evie hugs already.

* * *

I pull the Jeep up out front of Bobby’s house and bump a few cameramen as I go. Fuck it. They should move if they don’t want bruises.

As soon as I open the car door, the shouts begin. “Jimmy Kincaid!” Cameras flash. Questions are shot out with the same accuracy as Iz’s kitchen utensils. “Have you and your sister-in-law comeout,yet?” “Which hospital will she deliver at?” “How does Bobby feel about this?”

I laugh, because they’re not talking about Iz. They’re talking about my not-so-secret love-child with Kit.

Shaking my head and laughing, I walk through the crowd and dive through the front door when Jack opens it for me.

“Fucking vultures!”

“Jack! Don’t swear.”

I snort at Kit’s screech from the kitchen. I don’t think she even cares anymore. She swears as much as the rest of us, but she just enjoys busting his balls, and he knows this, which is why he continues to swear.

We step into the kitchen and stop at Bobby and Kit sitting at the table; I swear they make most of their important decisions at that table. Aiden stands sentry against the counter with a steaming coffee in his hand.

I look back to Kit. “What’s happening, baby-momma?”

“The media finally rubbed two braincells together and found our house. Dumbasses.”

I look to Bobby. “What are you gonna do?”

“We’re gonna hire security for now. Then we’re moving somewhere more secure.”

Kit’s eyes shutter, but she doesn’t object out loud.

“Have you already found somewhere?”

“Yeah. We’re gonna need all hands on deck to get it ready. I need your help.”

I nod. “I’ve gotcha back. Tell me where, tell me when, I’ll be there.”

“Awesome.” Finally actually looking at me, he studies my wrinkled pants and messy hair. “Jesus, you sleep in your clothes last night? You need to get your ass in the shower, Jim. We’re ready to go. You’re dragging down the team.”

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