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My body rocks, lulling me back to the darkness, but I fight it. I can’t remember what happened. Or where I am.

I know I’m not alone, and the thought of who could be at my side, carrying me, sends fear through my body. The fright comes as swiftly as it goes. There’s no malice in the way I’m being held. It feels as though whoever is carrying me is…protecting me.

Warmth starts to creep into my limbs again, and something soft cradles my back.

Pushing through the misty edges of my mind, I become more aware of my body. I start to wake. Pain slices through my head, the bad headache flaring to life as I come back to consciousness.


That voice. It pulls me from the deepest recesses of my mind and brings me out of my slumber.

My eyes blink open and land on a man I see only in my dreams these days.

This can’t be a dream though, can it? The thumping pain in my head and dull ache that floods my entire body can’t be my brain playing tricks on me. It all feels too real.

But it has to be a dream. Has to. Because if this is real, if he’s really here, then that means…

My heart rate spikes within seconds. A chill washes over my body, making me shake. Pushing up to a sitting position, I try to ignore the aches pinging through my body and take in where I am.

It’s a bedroom at least. I’m not locked in a prison cell or tucked somewhere else terrifying. There’s minimal furniture, but the room is well lit. At any other time this room would feel warm and cozy, something I would definitely dream up, but this has to be a dream.

My gaze swings back toward the man standing at the side of the bed.

No. I refuse to believe he is actually standing there, looking at me with a combination of confusion, anger and relief.

He didn’t believe his eyes. I couldn’t either.

Because if he was really here, if he was the target I’d been tasked with stealing from, then he was in danger.

And I was in big trouble.

My vision gets hazy again and I feel myself sway to the side.

He takes a step forward, reaching to help me.

“No,” I cry suddenly. He can’t touch me. I can’t let myself hope this is real. And if he touches me, there will be no fighting this.

Bringing a hand up to my face, I close my eyes. “This can’t be real,” I murmur to myself. My head feels hot, my stomach twisted in knots as I try to work everything out. “You can’t be here.”

The room begins to spin around me, forcing me to lie down. Sleep starts to pull me under again and I try to fight it. I need to sort this out. He has to get to safety. I’m not safe for him to be around.

Darkness wins.

Right before I lose consciousness, I reach out, muttering a name I haven’t dared to say in four years.

“Lennox. You’re in danger.”

Chapter Six


I haven’t movedfrom my spot by the end of her bed in over half an hour. I’ve stood guard, watching her, soaking in the image of the woman I haven’t seen in years.

Replaying her warning to me.

She said I was in danger, but from the manic look in her glazed eyes, I also believe she is too.

All this is too much of a coincidence.

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