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“I did.”

I hadn’t realized I’d said that out loud. Twisting to face him, I fight my nervousness and ask, point blank, “You were going to—to propose? To me?”

“I was,” he begins slowly, making sure I’m absorbing everything he’s saying. “I knew then that you were it for me. I couldn’t see a future without you in it.”

“But you barely knew me. We’d only been dating for a few months.”

“In my opinion, time doesn’t matter. I would have moved you in with me and put a ring on your finger sooner if you’d been ready for it. I knew the uncertainty of me leaving for missions weighed on you and I wanted to give you more time to adjust.”

Playing with the bottom hem of my shirt, I avert my gaze. “There are so many things you don’t know about me. That I never told you back then.”

“Like what?”

I shake my head, not wanting to shatter everything we’ve built. At my continued silence, he shifts, lifting me onto his lap. I find comfort in his arms, my head instantly resting on his shoulder.

“Is it about your father?”

My head jerks up, almost hitting his jaw, my eyes wide in shock. “How do you know about my father?”

“I’m not proud of what I did, but as soon as we started to spend more time together, I ran a background check. I know your father was a convicted conman and that you were pulled into some of his schemes. That shit didn’t and doesn’t matter to me. I know your heart. I know what a good woman you are.”

My head is shaking before he’s done talking. “No, I’ve done such terrible things. Like father, like daughter.”

“I don’t believe that for a second.” We go quiet, the only sounds the faint pattering of rain and the playing movie. “Is that why you left? Something to do with your father?”

Still reeling from him admitting he knew about my complicated past, I tuck my head back into his neck. I stay quiet, conflicted over how much to admit to him.

I’m tired of hiding. I’m tired of pushing down the feelings I have for Lennox. Years of being apart hasn’t dimmed my deep feelings for him. I’m still in love with him. And if anyone can help me fight my demons, it should be the man I’d willingly given my heart to.

Not able to give him the words yet, I nod against his neck. He confirms he understands my silent confession by pressing me closer. That small acknowledgment sends a wave of warmth through my body, igniting my heart. All the walls I’d erected to protect myself when I’d had to walk away crumble with that small hug.

I’ll tell him everything. Soon. For now, I want to soak up the heat and strength of the man I love for just a little while longer. A small weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I stay perched on Lennox’s lap and turn my attention back to the movie. Within minutes, my eyes are growing heavy.

I let sleep take me, knowing I’m safe. Finally.

Chapter Ten


I’m gently rocked awake.Blinking my eyes open, I take in the dim room. The candles have died out and the only light is coming from the windows and the laptop. My gaze turns to the bright screen, now rolling with credits. I’ve slept through the movie.

Rising from my comfortable spot in Lennox’s arms, I give him a sleepy smile.

“Sorry I fell asleep on you,” I start to say, my words turning into a yawn.

“No need to apologize. You’re still hurt and need your rest.”

I don’t think it’s the bump to the head that’s knocked me out, I think it’s because of him. For the first time in a long time, I slept without fear. My worries melted away with his arms wrapped around me, and my body was finally able to relax.

“Let’s get you to bed, huh.”

With me still in his arms, he stands. A squeal of surprise bursts from me at the feat of strength. My legs wrap around him as he begins to walk us down the hallway, and my heart pounds with excitement. The image of Lennox and me tangled in his sheets has my body quivering with need.

He stops in front of the guest bedroom. My temporary bedroom, I guess.

With a pat to my bottom, he releases me from his arms. Confusion and disappointment overwhelm me. Why is he dropping me off here? Does he not want me?

My emotions must be all over my face because he leans down and presses a quick kiss to my lips. “Get some rest, Katrina. We’ll pick up where we left off tomorrow.” With that, he gives me another kiss that has me following his lips when he tries to pull away. “Good night.”

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