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“Look, the bakery has a burst pipe or something, it’s being looked at now, but we’re going to have to close the kitchen.”

“Oh fuck.”

“Oh fuck is right,” Harrison parrots.

“Don’t we have that big breakfast order today? Battlefield?”

“Battlements Inc. And yes.”

For the first time in as long as I can remember, I’m speechless. Nothing literally comes to mind. No fun fact. No jovial quip. Nothing. All I can think of is what this means for the bakery.

“I’m baking upstairs in my loft and I’m sure Cassidy can pull some magic at her place.”

“You haven’t called Cassidy yet?”

“No. I figured I’d practice ripping the bad news band-aid with you first and go from there.”

“Smart. Cassidy is not going to take this well.” I love my best friend, but she is as type-A as a person can be. She loves the bakery Harrison and her built from scratch and she is fiercely protective about the quality and uniqueness of her donuts. “What do you need me to do? Come help?”

He sighs, and I know he’s gripping the back of his neck in frustration. It’s his go-to move of annoyance or agitation. He’s like a big brother to me so obviously it has been my mission in the past to drive him crazy. “We’re good on the baking side, we have time to get it all done if Cass and I hustle, but you’ll have to coordinate stopping by both our places to grab the order. Can you make that work?”

I did some quick math in my head, along with a route calculation, and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll make it work.”

“Thanks Lex. And sorry to wake you up. I just know I had to get this done now or I’d never be able to concentrate.”

“No prob, Harrison. That’s what staff is for.”

“You’re more than just a staff member Lexi, you know that.”

A wave of warmth spreads through my chest. “Well duh. I’m also your guinea pig for testing all new flavors and sometimes cookie batter,” I joke, trying to not make a fool of myself as big emotions bubble up. “Good luck with Cass. See you in a couple hours.”

“Thanks. See yah,” and with that, he hangs up.

My arm drops to my lap, the phone slipping out from my palm. Wow. The last 24 hours have seen a crazy turn of events. My body and heart have been pulled in so many different directions that I’m not sure what normal is anymore. I know Harrison and Cassidy can pull off making this order out of the bakery, but I can’t imagine the thoughts that must be going through their heads as owners. Honestly, the only thing I’m worried about is getting the goods delivered to the office still somewhat warm. Because that’s the best way to eat a donut.

Lighting up the screen, I look at the time on my phone. A snort leaves me. Looks like 5 AM and I will be getting acquainted again. There was no point trying to go back to sleep now. I wouldn’t be able to turn off my brain and actually rest. So it was better for me to get up and enjoy an extra cup of coffee or two before my day actually began.

Shoving the covers off my lower half, I jumped up from my bed and started going through my morning routine. Once I was dressed in a Bake, Rattle & Roll off-the-shoulder-t-shirt and a pair of modest length jean shorts, I made my way to the kitchen and quickly began making a large pot of coffee.

Spying a trashy tabloid magazine on the small coffee table we have in front of the TV, I grab my cup of coffee – doctored with hazelnut creamer – and settle in on the sofa. Catching up on celebrity gossip and drinking all the coffee I want – now this was the perfect way to start an extremely early morning.


Getting the Goods


At exactly 6:30 AM, I’m out the door, ready to rock and roll. My first stop at Harrison’s loft over the bakery was easy. The only thing that threw me off was his good mood. I thought he’d be growling orders and anxious, but no. He almost seemed…happy? Was that possible under these circumstances?

But that wasn’t the craziest part of the morning. When I’d stopped at Cassidy’s townhouse next in the East end of the city, I’d witnessed something I never thought I would see. My dear friend, acting like a wild child, surrounded by her donuts and a half-naked hunk.

Even now, as I drive with my delivery to the Battlements Inc. address, there’s a smile on my face. Cassidy tried to play the whole thing off as no big deal and a figment of my imagination, but I know something is going down with her and that man.

When I’d gotten all the information I could out of her, we lapsed into silence. As I drove us into the West end of the city, Cassidy jumped out at a subway stop with a wave. I didn’t need help with the delivery, so she was making her way back to the bakery to assess the damage. I was praying for Harrison’s sanity. The traffic is surprisingly light for this time of the morning so I’m going to be early with my delivery. I’m sure that won’t be a problem.

I spoke too soon. Right after having that idealistic thought, things start to go wrong. Finding parking, even for a quick delivery, becomes my real blocker of the morning. It takes me fifteen minutes to find something and when I do, I’m four blocks from the office and almost running late. Then I do the second stupidest thing I’ve ever done, not even 24 hours after the last stupid thing, and decide to not take the time to set up my delivery trolley. Instead, I load up my arms with all the bags and boxes. A brilliant idea…until I’m a block to the office and my muscles are on fire.

Fuck. Me.

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