Page 36 of Chance of Sprinkles

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Sprinkles for Dummies


I’m still not sure what happened yesterday. It’s all a happy, unbelievable blur.

I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. But I’m also scared shitless. There’s a tiny worry about how our relationship will be shown in the media. Grant is a professional hockey player and I’m a temp worker. It’s a real Cinderella story that people will either love or hate. There’s also no denying that I am concerned about having my heart broken. What we’re starting, Grant and I, feels different than any other relationship I’ve had in the past. I don’t feel boxed in or like I have to act a certain way. I still have the spontaneity that gives me joy, but now he’s with me. Joining in the fun but ever watchful.

Grant is like the sprinkles to my cookie. By myself I’m glorious, delicious and whole. But by adding him, I’m amplifying my voice. I’m adding such a small component, that I didn’t know I needed to be honest, but that has added so much joy to my life. Fundamentally changed me.

My biggest fear is something I can’t voice. I’m afraid if I say it out loud, I’ll jinx myself and the worst-case scenario will happen. Best to keep it to myself for the time being. When the time is right, I’ll tell Grant but for now, I’m happy in this little bubble we’ve built.

After he got off the phone with his mom – I still can’t believe he told her about us! – and we had our heart-to-heart, we settled in on the sofa and created our own picnic of sorts. The rain continued for most of the day, only letting up in the evening. Not that I cared, spending time with Grant was quickly becoming my new favorite thing. When he left to go home, my apartment felt very empty. Again.

I have the insane urge to call him this morning. Call. Him. Not text. I’m desperate to hear his raspy voice. But I can’t. He’s training right now, and I need to concentrate on making sprinkles for Harrison. A rainbow of food coloring is in front of me and the forbidden cupcake was off to the side. Once I nailed the matching colors needed, I was going to eat that cupcake for breakfast – it was torture to wait. Grabbing half a dozen bowls from my cupboards, I began mixing the ingredients to make royal icing. When I was happy with the consistency, I carefully began to add the food coloring. Two bowls were sacrificed, the shades of red coming out too dark. Adding more coloring would change the texture of the icing so into the garbage it went.

It took an hour of trial and error before I was happy with the results. Celebrating with a little dance, I snapped some pictures and sent them to Harrison. I amazed myself with my brilliance sometimes. I’ve just placed my phone back down on the counter when it vibrates again. Seeing Grant’s name has butterflies exploding in my stomach.

GRANT: What are you up to, Pixie?

God, I really love that nickname. I send him the picture I just sent Harrison with a message.

LEXI: Baking up a rainbow!

GRANT: Is that all icing?

LEXI: Yes! I’m making sprinkles for custom cupcakes.

GRANT: I’ve never thought about how sprinkles are made. Very cool.

LEXI: Stick with me and I’ll show you a whole new baking world.

GRANT: Haha!

GRANT: I’m finishing up in an hour. Wanna grab lunch? Maybe help me pick out a new sofa for my place?

I pause. Was he asking me to help him pick out furniture? That was pretty major girlfriend stuff. Then again, I had contributed in the sofa’s death. Pressing my lips together to contain the manic laugh that was bubbling up, I respond that I’m up for the outing.

GRANT: Great! See you in a bit Pixie.

Shaking my head at how sweet he is, I try and focus back on what I’m doing. Grabbing the piping bags, I begin to scoop up one color at a time and seal the bag off with a twist. Once every color is in their own bag, I slowly begin to make straight lines on parchment paper of the multicolored royal icing. Over and over I pipe the icing up and down until I have a full counter of colorful lines.

Waiting is always the hardest part of baking. Licking icing off the spatula I had used to scoop the icing, I look around at my pretties with pride. The colors look amazing. And being a mixologist was fun. I should remember to ask Harrison and Cassidy if making custom sprinkles could be a regular thing. Or maybe offering classes. Holy crap, why had we not thought of that before?

Not wanting to lose that idea, I run to my room and begin scribbling down everything that’s whirling in my brain. A page of notes is done in a blink. I begin a second one. My hand starts to cramp but I keep going until I have everything out. When I finally straighten from my hunched position over my desk, a powerful surge of hope rushes through me. This could really be something amazing.

The knock at my front door startles me out of my daze. I’m confused for a moment, then remember that Grant is coming over. Looking down at myself, I grimace at my clothes. Not because I look like an athleisure bum, that’s a style I rock, thank you very much. I grimace because I should be ready to go out with him. Another knock sounds through the apartment, this one heavier than the last.

“Hey,” I say, as the door opens. “Sorry, I was lost…” my words get cut off when he claims my lips.

“I called and texted to tell you I was on my way, but you never answered.”

I shake my head, confused at his words after that heated kiss. My body and brain need time to catch up.

“I thought something had happened.”

“I was,” I clear my throat, “I was writing something down and lost track of time.”

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