Page 19 of Chance of Sprinkles

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The next thing I know, Lexi rips her lips from mine as I enter the living room and throws her shirt to the side. I stop walking, tilting her back a little bit so I can take in her beautiful tits. Her nipples are a caramel brown, delicious and tempting. Knowing I won’t make it to the sofa just yet, I turn, pressing her against the wall. My head lowers, capturing her nipple. Her cries of pleasure drive me wild. As I lick and suck her, Lexi begins to grind against me. Her body begins to shake as he draws more and more pleasure from me. I tongue her harder, biting her nipple when her breath stutters.

“Fuck. Grant. Yes, yes.” Shocks of pleasure have her convulsing in my arms. With a pop, I let her nipple go. I need to get her horizontal. Moving us from our place against the wall, I start of the sofa again. Lexi’s head rolls, her eyes meeting mine. A strong possessiveness consumes me as I see the desire in her eyes. When we finally reach the sofa, I drop down ungracefully.


Suddenly, Lexi is out of my arms, falling to the side. I watch in horror as she topples off my lap, head over feet. My arms start to move, reflexes kicking in, to reach for her but before I’m not able to grab her, my seat caving in and causing me to fall in the opposite direction. Another load crack rings through the apartment. I drop, hitting the floor at an odd angle.

Lexi is a ball beside me. Curled in on herself, not moving.

The couch has split in half, breaking under our weight. I try to get up, but the cushions and arm rest are blocking me in. There’s also a piece of wood that is poking into a sensitive area. I can’t find something that will help me get up.

“Lexi.” She’s still not moving from her place on the floor. “Lexi,” I say again, louder. Her body begins shaking. Oh God, she’s hurt. Crying on the floor beside me and I can’t get to her. Frantic now, needing her back in my arms but for a different reason, I rock my body, hoping this gives me the momentum I need to get out of the broken couch. Finally, I get one leg free and slide the rest of my body out. Crawling to Lexi, I run a hand up her leg and along her side. Squeezing her shoulder, I soothe her as her body convulses.

My voice is a whisper as I try and comfort her. “Lexi. I’m sorry baby. The sofa....”

“Oh my God! Our makeout session broke the sofa! I can’t even!” She rolls over on to her back. It’s not pain that has tears running down her beautiful face but laughter. Her hazel eyes shine up at me as she bursts into another round of laughter. Running a hand down my face in relief, her chuckles become contagious and I find myself laughing too.


“Oh man, that was funny.”

Leaning an arm on my bent knee, I watch as Lexi shakes her head. Her smile is lighting up the whole room. Something in my chest aches at the beautiful sight. She’s shirtless, lying uninhibited on my living room floor, shinning with joy. I can’t help but lean down and kiss her again, our bodies align on the itchy surface of the carpet.

This kiss is light. Nothing like the hunger that came over us minutes ago.

“I think that was my cue to go,” she says, pecking me with a kiss. “My sister leaves tomorrow and I want to spend time with her tonight.”

I kiss the corner of her mouth, her cheek, her forehead. Needing to explore more of her but knowing our time together today is up. I understand, even if my cock is still rock hard. I’ll take care of myself when she leaves. Lexi and her needs came first today.

Leaping to my feet, I extend a hand down to help her. With her small hand clasped in mine, I pull her up until we’re chest to chest. One more taste. That’s all I need before she goes.

That’s a lie. There will never come a time when one more will be enough. I’ll always want her kisses.

The hands that she had wound around my neck glide down my chest. Gently, she pushes away, looking up at me.

“Can I get your number now?” I ask with amusement.

She brings a hand up to stifle her giggle, nodding. I take a step away to grab my phone, unlocking it and handing it to her. Her shirt as just settled back into place when she reaches for the device.

Her eyes are still shinning with merriment, but a brow raises in question when I give her my phone. I don’t understand why. The thought is lost when she begins typing in her number.

“There you go.” Licking my lips, I nod. “Well, okay,” she says shyly all of a sudden. Tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, she turns to the door. I follow her. She opens the front door, pauses and turns back. “Bye Grant.”

I watch her walk to the elevator. “Will you be okay on that thing?”

She nods. “As long as no one gets on with me.” She tries to make it sound lighthearted but I can tell she’s serious.

“Want me to go down with you?”

“I’m okay. Thank you.”

The doors open on a loudthunk. “I’ll be seeing you Lexi.”

She gives me one last smile with a wave, then steps onto the elevator. Closing my apartment door, I bob my head in satisfaction. Walking back to the kitchen, I start to wrap up the box of donuts with plastic wrap so they don’t go stale. I can’t eat them – even though I really want to – so I’ll bring them in for the staff tomorrow. The team’s physio therapist had a sweet tooth and would love these.

My eyes catch the large lump of white fabric across the room. Damn, I was going to have to buy a new sofa, too. No regrets on that front. Our first kiss had been amazing but the fact that we were devouring each other so intensely that we broke furniture made the memory epic.

With a sigh, I push the wrapped box away from me, grabbing a water bottle before I head to my bedroom. Relaxing against the headboard on my bed, feet crossed, I turn on the TV, but don’t see the screen. All I see is Lexi.

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