Page 71 of Daisy Darker

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She didn’t love all her children, and deserved to lose her part.

Daisy Darker’s sister Rose was the eldest of the three.

She was clever and quiet and beautiful, but destined to die lonely.

Daisy Darker’s sister Lily was the vainest of the lot.

She was a selfish, spoiled, entitled witch, one who deserved to get shot.

Daisy Darker’s niece was a precocious little child.

Like all abandoned ducklings, she would not fare well in the wild.

Daisy Darker’s secret story was one someone sadly had to tell.

But her broken heart was just the start of what will be her last farewell.

Daisy Darker’s family wasted far too many years lying.

They spent their final hours together learning lessons before dying.

“Why is Rose’s name crossed out?” I whisper. “She’snot dead.”

“I can see you breathing,” I hear Rose say to someone in the hallway.

I rush out of the kitchen but not in time to see who she is talking to. The confusion I experience is sickening when the sound of a gun shatters the silence. I watch in horror as Rose falls to the floor in the hall, and I feel as though my whole world is breaking, not just my heart.


October 31, 6 a.m.

low tide

I rush to Rose’s side and kneel down on the floor beside her. There is so much blood, too much. I don’t know what to do, but I don’t think it would make any difference if I did. I try to focus on Rose’s beautiful face instead of the puddle of red spilling out beneath her. The clocks in the hall all start chiming that it is six o’clock, and I wish that they would stop. I want itallto stop. Time never heals anything in this house; it just hurts. I’m sure Rose must be dead, but then she opens her eyes, stares at me, and frowns.

“Daisy?” she whispers.

“I’m right here, Rose. Everything is going to be okay,” I say.

She smiles, but it’s an inadequate disguise for her pain. “You always were a terrible liar,” she says.

Then she closes her eyes, her head falls to one side, and I know that she’s gone.

“Why?” I scream, no longer afraid. “What have you done?” I stand up and turn to stare at the person who shot my sister, nolonger caring what might happen to me. “You were always so loved by all of us. I loved you more than I think I’ve ever loved another person. Why did you shoot Rose? Answer me! Why?”

But Trixie doesn’t answer.

Rose’s veterinary gun looks very big in her small hands.

Her eyes are wide and wild. She wipes a tear from her cheek; then she runs.


Daisy Darker’s sister Rose was the eldest of the three.

She was clever and quiet and beautiful, but destined to die lonely.

She spent her childhood with books, despite her good looks, a smart little worker bee.
