Page 5 of Owned By The King

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“Not now…” he said, hesitating. “Dr. Stephens—”

“Fuck Dr. Stephens! I need to know.”

He leaned down, forearms on knees, rubbing his hands together. “Well, after what happened, I … I told them they’d better stay away from you.”

“What? Why?” I asked, raising my voice as I felt sweat forming on my forehead. “How could they not come see me?”

Sebastian straightened himself and let out a mirthless laugh. “Easy. Not to upset you, but it’s just the way they are. When I told them, it was a done deal. I decided to cut all contact with them, offering some … encouragement.”

“You mean threats? Did you threaten them”

He shook his head. “You know, I promised the doc I would be on my best behavior, but this is proving very difficult right now.”

He scooted closer, leaning over so our faces were only inches away from each other. God, he smelled so good, like sun and fresh air with that musky scent of expensive cologne. I swallowed, pretty sure I wasn’t supposed to have these feelings right about now.

So if he was my husband, did we have sex? Oh God, I couldn’t imagine being close to him in that way, because when we met, I was a virgin. That, I had no doubt about.

“They needto know the truth. They need to know I’m awake. I want to see them,” I said weakly.

“Fine, I will bring your parents here, so your father can explain what happened on that yacht and you can hear it from the horse’s mouth. He will tell you the whole truth, teacup.”

There it was, that nickname again. Then he touched my lips with his finger and before I could take another breath, he got up and exited the room, leaving a trail of questions and lewd thoughts.

Oh, shit … what was I to do?

My heart had picked up where my brain lagged because it felt like it was going to burst right out of my chest. Four years was a long time and a lot of things had happened when I was asleep. I leaned my head back against the pillow, reigning in the chaos.

I wanted to ask more questions, to talk to him longer. He terrified me, but he also intrigued me. I wondered if he’d ever … hurt me, like my mother had.

Moments later, a nurse came in, carrying a food tray. My stomach growled, and I was excited about the prospect of putting real food in my stomach.

“Good afternoon, Marinka. Dr. Stephens wants you to have a light lunch. Dr. Mike, the physiotherapist, will come by later,” she explained, placing the meal of fruit and oatmeal right in front of me. There was also a glass of orange juice.

“Thank you,” I said, and she left the room.

I stared at the food, wondering what other surprises were waiting for me here. I somewhat remembered being nervous during that trip—the first we’d had all together in ages, since my brother’s death. He seemed worried, but then everything else after that was hazy. I just couldn’t remember the moment on the yacht. I never expected to be in such a situation, deprived of so many memories from my past.

I ate slowly, my hands a little shaky and my body struggling to cooperate. I didn’t like it, but I had to get used to it. This was the new me—the new Marinka—and I had to make do. The food tasted good and I was certain that was a private hospital. The facility was good, and I wondered if Daddy was paying for it. I overheard him and Mom talking right before we flew. He disclosed they were having some money issues, but my mother instantly dismissed him.

An hour later, the physiotherapist showed up. Dr. Mike was young and blond, in great shape. The kind who’d have been a jock in college, and the sort of man who never went for a mousy nerd like me. Still, he was way less intimidating than Sebastian. His sunny smile put me instantly at ease.

He wanted me to start moving, but it was so hard. He admitted to visiting me and working my limbs while I was asleep. That surprised me.

“We had to do that to keep the energy flowing. Four years, and you had a baby in between, so your core muscles were—”

I screamed, forcing him to stop his treatment. “What did you just say? I had ababy?” I felt the blood draining from my face. “Is that what you said?”

That was impossible. I was a virgin. How could I have been pregnant? Did I have a babywhile in a coma? I started to hyperventilate. Raising a hand to my chest, I took in large gulps of air. “How … what … baby…” I said desperately. “Where?”

The man opened and closed his mouth, looking completely at a loss.

“Ms. Dimitrei, I think I should call Dr. Stephens right now. He’ll explain,” he mumbled, then hurried out of the room. I had never seen anyone running so fast.

As far as babies, he must have mistaken me with someone else. In order to get pregnant, I would have had to have sex. Visions of a darkly handsome Sebastian floated in my mind’s eye, showing me it couldn’t have been so hard… but then, I’d have remembered all of it. I wouldn’t have forgotten about the terrifying man who came in here claiming to be my husband.

My hands trembling, bracing myself, I lifted my hospital gown and looked at my stomach. The sight of the long, C-section scar had me freeze. Thin, but stark against my pale skin.

Tears stung my eyes and then, I started to sob in earnest.

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