Page 44 of Owned By The King

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I let go of her, grabbing a tiny bottle of hand sanitizer from my clutch and squeezing some on my hand, then rubbed my palms together. I’d touched her filthy skin, after all. Sebastian stared at me in shock, before lifting my hand and kissing me. He was back on his seat now.

The look on Sofia’s face was priceless. Pursing her lips together, she straightened up in her chair, no doubt scrambling to recover her dignity. Bitch.

“You’re going to regret this, Sebastian. And we both know I always get what I want,” she said, whispering the last few words. My hands tingled, begging to slap her face. She stood—finally! “It was nice to meet you, Marinka, sweetheart. I always imagined you differently.”

Then she was gone and suddenly I could breathe again. Outside, I saw her join the men I’d seen before. They hung around for a while, then disappeared beyond my view.

“Are you okay?” Sebastian’s voice reached me.

“Yes, I’m good, but what about you? This woman was hoping you’d cause a scene in here,” I said, pushing the negative emotions away. I understood why Sebastian didn’t want to tell me he had a relationship with that woman. After all, he was a lot older than me and much more experienced. Sofia was a vile human being and it seemed she never played fair, but I had my proof his personal connection with her was a thing of the distant past, and she only came into the picture after the death of his business associate.

I grabbed Sebastian’s hand and traced little circles on his skin with my thumb. “Now let’s enjoy the rest of the evening and forget about her.”

Sebastian dragged his hand through his hair and glanced around, his jaw tight. But soon, my little caress seemed to have a positive impact. Thankfully, our first course was brought in, an exquisitely presented prawn and avocado plate, and we got ready to dig in. I would not let Sofia take any more of our evening.

“Bon Appetit. Please let me know if you need anything else,” the waiter said before left us alone.

“I’m truly sorry about this, Marinka. Sofia has always been unpredictable. She doesn’t need your father’s supplier. It’s just a game she wants to play,” he sighed.

The first bite of food triggered a culinary orgasm in my mouth. I decided to focus on that. The old Marinka might have freaked out, but I’d changed, and I was stronger than sometimes even Sebastian gave me credit for. I never wanted to be a pushover again.

“Let’s forget about her. It was her intention to cause friction between us and make a show, so let’s not give her the satisfaction, Sebastian. Focus on what’s going to happenafterdinner,” I whispered meaningfully, my tone sassy and suggestive.

Sebastian’s pupils dilated and for a moment, he just stared at me, his fork suspended in mid-air.

“Your stubbornness and strength turn me on so fucking much,” he murmured, and he made that grunting sound that left me a little weak.

We resumed our dinner, stealing glances at each other and making skin contact at every possible opportunity. The food was excellent, course after course of utter deliciousness, until we were finally done, and the bottle of champagne was empty. Now, I was looking forward to exploring Sebastian’s dark world with him.

“Let’s go. I can’t wait to get you home and out of that dress,” he said after paying the eye-popping bill. “Maybe I shouldn’t wait until we get home…”

I laughed, then took his hand and we left. It was a beautiful night and this was the happiest I’d been in a long time. Sebastian was still tense though, I could tell. He was probably worried about that bitch.

We were walking toward his car when he noticed his shoe lace was undone, so I kneeled down to fix it before he did. I was tying it up when a loud shot rent the air. Sebastian was knocked backwards and a moment later, he was on the ground. I heard tires screeching, a black Range Rover speeding off, and then someone screamed. Dazed, I crawled over to my husband.

“Sebastian, Sebastian!” I shrieked in despair. I tapped his face obsessively, sliding one hand under him, trying to get a reaction.Not now … please not now! Not when we were starting to truly live together.“Please, say something!” I sobbed.

“Some fucker … just … shot me,” he managed to say before he passed out.

Only then I saw blood on my hand and it was pooling on the ground underneath him. I saw someone running to us from the corner of my eye as I pulled my cell phone out of my bag to call 911. As I dialed, I kept calling his name, but he was unconscious, so all I could do was pray and pray some more for his life to be spared.



Sharp,searing pain had me in and out of consciousness, its persistence weighing on me, crushing my senses like a never-ending heavy metal track on repeat. Sometimes, everything felt numb, as though I’d been drugged. People talked around me, and the overwhelming hospital smell assailed my nostrils.

My brain grappled with remembering what happened.

Marinka and I were on a date. She was so beautiful… Sofia showed up. Marinka put her in her place… We were going home so I could finally taste her, love her…

Marinka got on her knees to tie up my shoes. The sight of her like that made my dick strain in my pants…

Then, the shot rang out.

I fell, the world spinning.

“He was shot and it must have been that Russian woman who came to the restaurant, interrupting our dinner and stirring up trouble. She threatened him there.” Marinka’s voice.

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