Page 78 of Conceal

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It’s odd.

Even after spending all day in his workspace, when it’s time to go home, I opt to stay with him.

It’s not just because with him I have the most comfortable bed in the world—although that is a bonus—but I also like to spend time with him and get to know him.

We snuggle on his couch, watching an action blockbuster that had record-breaking sales when it released. I never saw it then, though, because my life was a shitshow when it came out.

But now, here I sit with Jaxson in front of his ridiculous TV and I couldn’t be happier.

Yes, I’m still scared of what the future will bring, but for the first time in months, I feel safe. It could be the amazing security system this man has in place, or that I feel confident Jax will find exactly what we need to prove Riley killed my dad and wants to kill me.

The why is still the question. I want to know what I did to him to earn his disdain. However, a part of me knows I might never find out the reason.

It could be as simple as the fact he wanted my money.

Jax isn’t concerned about why, he only cares to keep me safe. I have never seen anyone work so hard, and it’s driving him crazy that we’ve found nothing.

As the movie blares and I feel him wrapped around me, I let out a sigh of contentment.

“You’re tired,” he says from behind me.

“A bit.”

“Want to go to bed?” His voice drops low, and I know he’s not asking if I want to go to bed at all.

Which is fine by me.

Because if snuggling is amazing, there is only one thing I like even more.

And that is the wicked things Jaxson Price can do to my body.

Before I know what’s happening, I’m undressed and his arms are pulling me into his embrace, tightening around my body, and then his mouth crashes down on mine.

We kiss hungrily.


As if we will never get enough of each other, and I don’t think I will. I don’t know if I will ever have enough of Jaxson Price.

He chases the demons away.

He makes me feel safe.

My very own Soter.

“I need you,” he groans out against my mouth. The sound of his voice is enough to have me deepening the kiss.

“I’m yours.”

His lips leave mine, and I hear him tearing open a condom wrapper. Then with no other warning, he’s pushing inside me.

The movement is slow. Exquisite torture.

Inch by inch until he is fully seated inside me. Once he is, he lifts onto his elbows and looks down at me.

So many unspoken words are behind his gaze.

This isn’t just sex.

This is so much more.

The look in his eyes, the one that tells me he’s mine and that I’m his, should scare me.

But it doesn’t.

Because I know who Jaxson is.

And I trust him with my heart.

* * *

The next morning, I wake to Jax peppering kisses to my stomach. If this is my alarm clock with him, I might never go home.

However, I have to at some point. I know I can’t stay here forever.

After a few more pecks of his lips, I groan.

“What’s wrong?” Jaxson speaks against my skin.

“I have to leave.”

“Leave and go where?” He props up on his elbow. His eyes laced with sleep.

“To Maggie’s.”


“Because my stuff is there. Because I live there.”

His head inclines to the side. “You don’t live there.”

“Fine. I stay there.”

“You can stay here instead.”

“I’m not moving in with you.”

“I never said move in . . . just stay for the unforeseeable future.” He laughs.

My stomach tightens. As much as I know Jax won’t hurt me, the last man I moved in with did.

He must see my body tense up because he lifts his hand and touches my face.

“I’m joking, Willow. You can breathe. I’m not saying you’re moving in, but you can stay here for now.”

“I can’t, Jax.”

“I would feel better if you did. The security at Maggie’s is nonexistent.”

I roll my eyes at him. “Not everyone can live in Fort Knox.”

“This is true, but until we have the intel we need to bring your husband down, I would feel better if you stayed with me.”

“Maybe. But tonight, I’m going out with Maggie, so I’m staying there.”

He lets out a huff. “Fine.” He replaces his playful expression with a serious one.

“Relax. I’ll be back, and everything will be okay.”

“Fine. But before you leave, you’re having breakfast with me.”

“Depends on what you’re serving.” I raise an eyebrow seductively.

His lips spread into a grin. “Well, that wasn’t on the original menu, but I’m happy to make substitutions.”

With that, he presses me against the bed, and the blanket slips off me, leaving me bare to him.

I part my legs at him in offering because who am I to refuse? My eyelids flutter closed at the first swipe of his tongue, my hands gripping the sheets at his second, and by the sixth, I’m writhing in pleasure, screaming his name, and vowing never to leave.

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