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“I’m only telling you this because it’s the right thing to do—” Bree started before Declan interrupted her.

“What do you mean? If you think I’m the father—”

Dishes clanging in the kitchen interrupted Declan. Someone was doing an awful job of making his or her presence known. He or she had to have overheard their conversation. Great. Who would be the next to know about her situation?

Errin stuck her head around the corner and gave her best fake smile she could muster. Dec was sitting down again, but the anger was still rolling off of him in waves.

Bree held one hand on her still flat belly. How in the hell did they get here? What was she going to do with Declan? He didn’t even believe her he was the father of her unborn child. Out of all the scenarios…

“Hey, you guys. Everything all right here?” Errin asked.

Declan narrowed his eyes at her. “Not a word. I know how you operate, Errin.”

“Dec. What is wrong with you? Don’t talk to her like that! She’s your brother’s girlfriend for crying out loud.” Bree defended Errin. She had enough of his attitude. Like things weren’t bad enough already.

“Well, if Errin heard us, the news will travel our families faster than the speed of lightning. And since you were nice enough to spring this news on me with both our families sitting only a couple of feet away—”

“Ah, shut it Dec. I didn’t mean to throw it all out like this,” Bree said, stomping a few steps away from Declan.

“So yeah, I’m asking you, Errin. Please, not a word,” Declan said in a much softer voice.

“I’m telling Brennan, because we keep no secrets between us. But other than him, not a word from me.” Errin faked zipping her lips and took a step back from the doorway.

Bree nodded at Errin and turned back to Declan.

“I can’t believe you had the nerve of asking me if you were the father. I feel like I don’t even know you anymore…”

Without waiting for a response, she walked away from him. Gwenn stood from her seat at Bree’s burst through the swishing doors. Gwenn grabbed Bree’s elbow and steered her out of Lucky.

“I didn’t even thank Brennan. I need to say goodbye first.” Bree hiccupped while the tears kept rolling over her cheeks.

“Nah, Brennan was still upstairs. I’ll go back in a bit and tell them you felt sick. But only after I’m certain that you’re okay.”

Gwenn unlocked the passenger door to Bree’s car and opened it for Bree.

“Tell me.” Gwenn said after settling in behind the steering wheel.

“I can’t even talk right now.” Bree shook her head and closed her eyes.

“Do I need to have a talk with him?” Gwen asked.

Bree watched her sister out of the corner of her eye and almost wished she could send her sister back inside to kick Dec’s butt.

“No. I’m okay.” She swallowed the lump in her throat.

After a minute Gwenn said, “We’re going to be okay. With or without him.”

“You can’t shut me out, Bree.”

With an increasing cadence that represented the rising anger inside of him, Declan battered Bree’s front door with his fist.

“Sir, if you don’t leave now, I’m calling the cops.”

Declan eyeballed the closed door of Bree’s neighbor. The elderly man yelled again behind closed doors, “I mean it.”

Declan had seen the brittle man once or twice, and he respected him for standing up for his young neighbor.

Normally, it would be Declan on the receiving end of phone calls reporting a disturbance. It should bother him he might end up with guys from his precinct coming by Bree’s apartment.
