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“I’m sorry, girls. I just want what’s best for you. I hate that you’re wasting away on your sister’s couch. You’ve got so much potential.” Joan stroked Gwenn’s cheek and Gwenn’s shoulders tensed.

Bree buttoned her coat, ready to go home. She was glad Gwenn made the decision for her to leave. Bree had been done with this visit the moment her mother talked behind her back over how stupid she’d been in following Dec around all these years.

“Then why don’t you say so like a normal person? I always feel like I’m letting you down. First with my deployment. Now this. I can’t win with you.”

Joan sighed. “I’m sorry. I’ve done everything I could to show you girls you can achieve anything you set your minds to. I don’t want you to end up in a situation like I did when your father left us. Now that I’m away a lot, I feel like the time we do have together, I should guide you.”

Gwenn hugged Joan. “We just need you to love and support us. Believe me, I know I need to step up my game. But just… give me some time. It’s only been a few weeks since I’m back. You have no idea what I’ve been through.”

They ended their hug and before Joan could say anything, Gwenn said, “I’m not ready. Maybe I’ll never be ready to talk about it.”

Joan nodded and kissed Gwenn’s cheek. “Okay. I’ll take a step back. But just a small one.”

Gwenn rolled her eyes, smiling. “Thanks.”

Joan turned to Bree to pull her in for a hug.

“I’m glad to see you’re moving on from your crush. You deserve so much more, Bree.”

Bree closed her eyes and held her tongue. Not willing to get into another argument, Bree nodded. She needed to have another talk with Dec after this night.

It only took one remark from her mother for the doubt to settle in again. Declan hadn’t said he loved her yet. Maybe she was pushing it. But she knew she wasn’t able to give him the ultimate piece of her heart without those words from him.

The sisters got into Bree’s car and they took off to Bree’s apartment. Gwenn pulled down the visor and wiped some smudged mascara from under her eye.

Bree glanced at Gwenn and before she could even ask, Gwenn said, “No. Not doing this. I’m fine.”

“Okay. Just know that I’m here for you, okay?”

Bree watched the road and almost enjoyed the moment of silence. What a night. Joan Ryan sure knew how to let everyone know she was back in town.

“What? Why are you smiling?” Gwenn asked.

“It’s nothing, really. Just thinking about how we finally got Mom to say she’s sorry.”

Gwenn huffed. “Took her long enough. It’s that we love her…. But damn, I really hate her lack of filter.”

Bree switched lanes and said, “I know. I heard her talk about me and Dec. Do you think—”

Gwenn turned in her seat and said, “No. Stop it. Declan loves you, sis. Mom has some serious issues. It doesn’t matter who we end up falling in love with, Mom’s always going to find faults in them.”

“Just like she does with us…” Gwenn added in a whisper.

“I’m sorry.”

Gwenn let out a sardonic laugh. “You don’t have to be sorry.”

“I know. But I hate seeing you like this. I just wished I could do something for you.” Bree parked in front of her apartment building and shifted in her seat. They both sat still in the car.

“There is one thing you can do for me.”

Bree perked up and tilted her body toward Gwenn.

“Oh? Tell me.”

“Give Dec a real shot.” Gwenn leaned in and placed her hand on Bree’s arm.

“I know Dec fucked things up between you two. And I know you’re scared to trust him.”

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