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Luckily, Barb decided to start the dinner. “Everyone, please take a seat and we can go ahead and get started.”

The twelve of us sat around a large table, with Barb at the helm. Immediately, two waitresses came out from the kitchen with plates of steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. My stomach growled in appreciation.

Last night’s activities had left me ravenous. For food and for more of Jack.

He sat next to me, his presence looming. He didn’t press me on why I pulled away, but I’m sure I’d have to answer for it later.

Maybe if I got naked, he’d forget all about it. A quick glance up at his face and the confusion I saw there made me think it was unlikely.

I dragged my attention back to my plate and the others around the table.

While I tried my best not to be distracted by Jack, I couldn’t help but notice that Katie Kooney had taken the seat on his other side. I gripped my water glass extra hard as she engaged him in conversation. I found myself trying to listen to them as I talked to the person on my other side, Ted Baker, a very prominent insurance salesman in Haver’s Creek. Without sharing too much, I asked about life insurance for my sister. Considering she was going to become a mother in six months, it couldn’t hurt for her to start developing a financial plan for her and her baby.

Ted clearly loved insurance, speaking about all the different types of insurance a well-functioning adult should have. I almost pulled out my notepad to take notes but decided I could just schedule a follow up meeting with him instead. But the whole time I kept one ear out listening to Jack and Katie. Their voices lowered, it was hard to catch what they were saying, but something made my hackles rise just a little bit.

I guess I continued to hold on to my jealousy over what I thought happened all those years ago.

Or maybe I felt more vulnerable now that I’d slept with Jack.

Either way, I tried to ignore my senses and focus on the rest of the table.

Once we’d all eaten and our plates were cleared, Barb called for everyone’s attention, giving me the floor to update the donors on the gala planning.

I took the lead with Jack chiming in to help fill in some of the details. He lit up when talking about the winery as the venue, and I supplemented by talking about how we were going to bring people to and from the gorgeous location.

We opted not to have a theme, the venue space so unique we didn’t need to add any extra flair to a blank canvass.

For the most part, people seemed excited by the change of scenery. Although I could tell two of the older donors were a little more reluctant to change things up.

Katie also had a lot of questions about the winery, which Jack patiently answered.

I noticed that Katie subtly touched Jack whenever possible. When getting up to use the restroom, when reaching over to get the salt and pepper, when asking more about how folks will know where in town to meet to take the shuttle buses to the winery.

All her questions were directed to Jack and not to me.

But just like all those years ago, seeing them together held me frozen to the spot. I didn’t step in to intervene, or tell her Jack was mine.

To his credit, Jack didn’t return the touches. Even going so far as to remove her hand from his arm when she reached across the table.

But that didn’t stop the food in my stomach from turning to acid as I slowly watched Katie’s display during dinner and then dessert.

Three different pies were arranged on the table, served family style. Jack offered to serve everyone the two pies on our side. Despite having a slice of my favorite pie in front of me, I managed only to poke at it with my fork.

Jack gave me curious looks, which I pointedly ignored.

My hackles rose when she once again whispered in his ear.

Eventually, one by one, people started getting up from the table to say their goodbyes. Some hugged everyone as they left, and a few others simply waved and headed out.

I finished off another cup of coffee, the only thing I managed to stomach that evening despite the amazing food put in front of me. That and a few bites of the mashed potatoes. My stomach growled, clearly unhappy with my life choices at the moment.

Deep in conversation with Helga, one of the donors, Barb raised a single concerned eyebrow at me. I gave her one stiff flick of my head.

Maybe I’d tell her later, but not now. Not with Jack sitting right next to me, still locked in conversation with Katie. Frankly, I was pissed and didn’t need to stick around to watch the Jack and Katie show.

I didn’t need to stay. The evening officially ended, I’d done my job and now all I needed was a bubble bath and maybe a glass of wine to drown out the horrible thoughts about Katie running through my head.

I hadn’t bothered to drink during dinner even though several others imbibed. I didn’t like the idea of having any alcohol in me when I knew I had to drive myself home. Besides, it was still a work event.
